Like most Mondays, I spent the morning catching up on things that needed to get done. Talked to Nigel the drug evaluator. Made copies of the piss test results. Put together a cover letter with a list of people that he could check with as collateral sources. Went to the post office and sent it to him. I like Nigel. Today I will call the lawyer and give him an update. I miss my children and look forward to seeing them more. I will be driving to Cle Elum on Thursday morning to do a magic show at their school. I have not had one overnight visitation with them in two years. I have complied with this court ordered hoop to jump through and I will jump through more if that's what they want. It has to end somewhere. . . or does it? Such a shame.
Worked the Market in the afternoon for a while. Still working on the dynamics and psychology of understanding my act and how I relate with my audiences. This is still confusing but less frustrating. It's my job to connect with them. I'm understanding that changes need to be made on the fly from audience to audience. The pace and tone of a show on Monday is different to that of weekend show.
Got a call from an old friend from high school out of the blue. Mark Mounts, we attended the School for the Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati in the early eighties. A school that both me and my son Buster got kicked out of. Those were the days. Mark and I got all caught up on each others lives and I hope we stay in touch.
Talked to Danny Sylvester about his situation at the Magic Castle turning into a tragic hassle. Evidently my humble efforts creating some awareness on a couple internet newsgroups seems to be doing something.
Click Here if you want to see what I am talking about. He is getting emails and phone calls from people who like and care about him. He sounded better on the phone last night than when I talked to him the other day. Ron Wilson is a Cunt, there I said it.
John, the owner of City Fish at the market likes my act. He gave me a nice piece of Copper River Salmon which I took home and prepared with asparagus and rice. Buster inhaled his dinner.
Tonight is our regularly scheduled Tuesday Night Session at the Alki Beach Magic Studio. I think I will bring up the topic of presenting magic. Not necessarily "the presentation" or "the patter" but a bigger look at how we use our bodies, our voices and our eyes to connect with the audience. Don't think we've had a session like that yet. We'll see if there is any interest in that topic of discussion.