A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The year 1986 the city Los Angeles

Some guy, Kenny Jones & Me

Buster doing faro's @ a magic meeting

Kings Island

To be 15 again

On Monday (April 4th) my oldest son Buster will be 15 years old. Watching him grow up and develop into a young man has been a joy and a journey. As I think about what I was like at that age, I cannot help but feel nostalgic. 15 was a GREAT year for me. The beginning of my professional career. I had been doing kid shows and community performances since I was 9 or 10, but landing the job at Kings Island Amusement Park as a 15 year old, changed my life. The year was 1981 and they were paying me $300 a week to do six shows a day that were only 20 minutes long. I was on break more than I worked and had my own trailer with a TV, shower and kitchen in it. The pictures below, crack me up. It's interesting the metamorphosis that occurred over the span of a few short months. I started the summer with braces on my teeth, wearing a goofy tie. As the summer progressed, the braces came off as did a few pounds; working in the hot sun everyday. I met a lot of girls that summer and had more fun than I deserved.



Master of Ceremonies

I'm really looking forward to being the master of ceremonies for the Smoke and Mirrors Show on Saturday. The Everett PUD is a nice auditorium that seats 400 or so. Tiered seating, good lighting and sound, lets hope there is an audience. My job will be to whip the audience into a frenzy. I am prepared to do just that. I'm not quite sure how I will do this, but I have no doubt in my mind that I am up for the challenge.

A couple of weeks ago, I was the MC for the Monday Night Magic Show. I arrived moments before the curtain went up and had one hell of a good time. I didn't have any idea of what I was going to do, I just did it. I think anyone in the audience would agree, I bounced off the walls and took the audience with me.

Payne's wife Marie and Keith (Philemon's Partner) both had some helpful comments about perhaps being more sensitive to to the appropriate framing of the act I am introducing. For example, by being a whack job before I introduce a more subdued performer there might be too much contrast between styles for the audience to comfortably shift gears. I thought about this for a while and it made sense. A week later I brought it up at one of our Tuesday Night Sessions and Isaac had some different thoughts on the subject. He said that in his days of MCing, he never held back for anything, he went out there and did the best job that he could. He said that he looked at the other acts as his opening acts. I agree with both approaches. I think to think that I might find a happy medium. I guess you'll just have to come to the show and see for yourself what happens!


The Northwest Ring of Fire, a magic club based in Snohomish County will be holding their annual “Smoke & Mirrors Magic Show”. It will be held on Saturday, April 2 nd at the Everett P.U.D. Building located at 2320 California St. in Everett . There will be two shows, one at 2pm and the other at 5pm. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $7 for kids 12 and under. The money raised helps support the Burn Foundation, a group that helps kids who are victims of fire-related injuries.

This is a perfect outing for kids groups and families. The show features seven of western Washington 's best magicians. It's a 100% clean show, perfect for kids and families.

You can get tickets there at the door or you can order tickets by calling 206-763-3236.

Video Clip Du Jour - From The Archives

Greg Irwin Video Click Here

I shot this clip in the back room of my magic shop in Cincinnati shortly before it closed in 2002. Greg is a good friend and a true freak. Visit his site!

Greg's Hand Health Web Site

Dancing - Not just good. . . But good for you

As always, Honky Tonk Wednesday did not disappoint.

Had many satisfying dances, with all my favorite ladies.

Not to shabby if I do say so myself.

Might check the band at Jewels Maze tomorrow night. They'll be on the road for the next three weeks, so I need to get my fill. Gosh, I love dancing. I had a particularly satisfying slow dance with Maggie tonight as well as many rocking dances with Carie tonight. Yeah baby. . . swing dancing is "Da Shit!"

Got home shortly after two and still had some energy, so I decided to walk across the street with my trusty driver and pound a dozen or so golf balls into the ocean.


Tomorrow is another day. I Think I'll read 20 pages or so from "Carter Beats The Devil" and call it a night. Nearing the end of the book which I have enjoyed tremendously.

Goodnight. . . sweet dreams.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Another day at work

Bill Duncan stops by the office for a magical chat.

Video Clip Du Jour - From The Archives

I hesitate to post this clip for the pain it brings me. But I posted it to the web in May of 2002 before moving to Seattle. The mother of my children and the woman that I loved. . . . and still love. . . even though she doesn't love me. Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. I look forward to loving another woman, or at least sharing some great sex with a woman who can stand my company. I know I'm pathetic, I just can't seem to help it.

Moira Video Click Here

Clown Party - Birthday Celebration for Sage

Monday Night at the Rendezvous a colorful group assembled in the balcony for a private birthday party. I got there around 9:30PM. It was a costume party! There was Sage sitting on the couch next to a woman I didn't know. She had made some beautiful easter eggs that were carefully decorated. Sage lit a fuse sticking out of one end of the egg and set it on the table. My mind hadn't really registered what was going on. After the loud explosion and glitter falling to the ground. . . I got it. . . an Easter Egg Bomb. . . cool.

Dolly and Peter looked great in their stylized clown outfits as did Sage and a few others. It was a good time hanging out with creative friends celebrating Sage's birthday.

Easter Sunday

I had sent Moira an email and told the kids that Buster and I wanted to see them on Easter (even if only briefly). I did this a week early hoping to set something up, maybe participate in an Easter Egg Hunt or other such Easter Festivities. Moira is making it increasingly clear that she will limit my time with the kids at every turn. Why does she have to be this way? What did I ever do to her to create such a hate filled and greedy woman. It's really such a shame.

I got a call from Lou Magor at Kenyon Hall on Saturday asking if I was free to to a show on Sunday. The gigs there barely pay, but when I haven't street performed in a week due to rain, I was anxious to perform anywhere and at any price. So I opened up the Easter Show with a half hour of Comedy Magic. I like working there. During the rings, the place goes pitch black and I perform under a single spot light.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Video Clip Du Jour - From The Archives

Shawn Greer Video Click Here

Dancing Lesson

Friday night I went out dancing after the Fenix Gig. The Vinyl Avengers were celebrating their 2 year anniversary playing at the Owl & Thistle. It was after midnight when I arrived. "Sailing on the wings of applause", as Shawn says. My night at the Fenix had been strong from the moment I arrived. There was a car give away, by some satellite radio station. Kind of a scam if you ask me. They lease it to you for free, for a year. Interesting angle, sure; they gave a car away. . . whatever packs them in. And that it did. Rick commented that they did an extra 4 grand in early bar business. Not bad. I did well too. Lots of interest as I performed.

I danced like someone who knew what he was doing. I might have even looked good in my Versace suit. Ok lets not push it. I danced almost every song with all of my favorite dancers. Maggie & Emily are so hot. They are all so beautiful, Grace, Carie Julie, Katie. I really enjoyed dancing with all them, and to think I used to be afraid to dance with anyone but Julie or Carie. I also enjoyed talking dancing with Yohanis. Both of us are beginners and had a lot to discuss from that perspective. I also liked talking dancing with Emily, who has a style of her own. I told her it seems like the less I care, the better I get. She agreed, and said it's all about surrendering to the music. Far out.

Saturday morning I had a dance lesson with Carie at my house. It was raining when she arrived. She brought a big "Lifesaver" Easter Egg for Buster and me. We liked it a lot. I had already pushed the furniture out of the way. The hard wood floors in my house are perfect for dancing.

The lesson was good. Carie is an excellent instructor. She wanted to shape a few of my moves. There is a sequence I really like to do, but it's always a bit ugly. It's the Skin the Cat into a Reverse Turn (where I was forgetting a rock step), into another reverse with the man's underarm turn. Shaping was a good word. We also shaped the Cuddle into the reverse cuddle. The challenge for me will be leading these move effectively. All in due time. The ladies do say I'm getting better, but I'm never sure if they're just being nice. The hell with it! I believe them. . . I am getting better! The less I care. . . The better I get! Who would have figured me for a swing dancer!?

Carie also taught me a couple of new moves. Single and a double tuck. I think that's what their called. It's a way to send a girl out for a no hand tun. very cool. I look forward to working on it.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Video Clip Du Jour - From The Archives

Fran D'Amico Coin Manipulation Video Click Here

Ying and Yang, Pleasure and Pain

Another weekend down, like milk bottles knocked over by an ugly alley cat.
Music, swaying bodies, and the tortured piece of meat in my head I call my brain.
Days of Seattle rain mean I hole up in my pad and look for a piece of rope to either hang myself with or cut and restore.

An emptiness burns a whole in my heart like like a cigarette fallen out of a drunks fingers onto her bed sheets
only to engulf my life in the flames that she started.

The rain won't go away
neither will the emptiness

even when the sun shines
it's raining in my heart

pouring out my soul
to this fucking blog
like it matters
or makes a difference