Saturday, February 05, 2005
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Letter to my ex's lawyer
Dear Celeste,
I am still waiting to find out who who want me to see, in order to move forward with overnight weekend visitations. It's going on a month that I have been requesting this information. Why do you ignore me so. Will the judge be interested in this as well as other interesting facts I will present on Feb. 11? I think so.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Very truly yours
Tom Frank
PS with any luck at all, you should be able to extract another 20 or 30 thousand dollars from Moira before this is all said and done. It's almost like your on my side and not hers. How ironic is that!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Just What I Fucking Need
To have the doorbell ring, answer it in my bathrobe in the morning only to be greeted by the shinny reflection off a plainclothes policeman's badge. Seems my darling ex-wife wants to modify the restraining order to include the house she is renting in Cle Elum, and the house which is not even built. I must be quite a threat. The hearing is on February 11. I don't know why I let this shit bother me, but it does. . . very much so. I just want to have access to my children and be an active part of their lives. But I don't know how much longer I can live this way. I didn't think it possible to shatter the already broken pieces of my heart. But sure enough, grinding them into the ground with a boot heel is an effective method.
Beyond The Sea
Last night I went to a movie by myself. I asked Buster if he wanted to go, but after I told him what it was about he said he would pass. I really liked it. Kevin Spacey wrote, directed and starred in this movie, a loose biographic film about the life of singer, Bobby Darin.

Every Wednesday night I dance to the title song "Beyond The Sea". The boys do a great job with this swinging standard. What can I say. . . I'm a hopeless romantic. Which basically means I'm a schmuck. While the world has long since lost it's use for a good song and dance film like the old MGM musicals of time gone by. I find myself living in one.

I think Kevin Spacey looks like him a bit

Antique Playing Card Press

I've always wanted one of these scarce items. This one came up on ebay. I put in a $150 bid on it. After getting two tickets yesterday, I'm glad I didn't get it. Besides, it sold for $375. . . too rich for my blood. I'll keep looking and someday I'll own one. And when I do. . . . I will put my head in it and pop it like a zit. Actually they're only a bit bigger than a deck of cards.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Fucking Shit
Today marks one month with no drugs or alcohol. Whoop dee fucking do! I don't feel any better or worse.
Buster and the little kids were off school today (day between 2nd and 3rd quarter). The sun was out, the skies blue and in the mid 50's. I called Moira this morning to see if Buster and I made the hour and a half drive to east butt fuck, if we could spend the afternoon and evening with the kids. I pondered heavily about this request, as I hated to think of the answer that would most likely leave the her lips. Needless to say, she was predictable in her refusal and once again I felt empty.
I put in a call to the drug evaluation place only to find that the woman who does the in-depth 3 month evaluations fell ill and is no longer working. Furthermore, it seems that she was the only person in the city doing this sort of collateral source checking, ball busting. I'm supposed to call back tomorrow and they might put me in touch with a lawyer who might be able to help, "for next to nothing". Forgive me for my lack of optimism, but the oxymoron of Lawyers and Next to nothing only make me think that they're talking about results.
Buster and I scouted out the market to see if I could street perform. Not enough foot traffic to make it worth my while. We headed to Ballard to visit Archie McPhee's. A cool shop I had heard of. I got out of the car a removed my sweatshirt, I had overdressed not knowing how chilly it would be. That distraction would prove to be a costly mistake as I forgot to feed the parking meter.
We came out of the store 20 minutes later to find two tickets on my windshield. FUCK THIS DAY!!!! I never should have got out of bed. The meter ticket was $30, then to add insult to injury, I was given another ticket for $38 for not having my front license plate on the front bumper. In Ohio, that is not a law. my plate was in the back seat as there is no hardware on my front bumper.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Friday & Saturday
Last night I performed at the Fairwood Country Club in Renton. I did an hour of strolling magic during dinner and an hour show in the lounge afterwards. My performance was well received and I had a good time.
Tonight I performed for two hours at the Fenix Underground. Buster helped Brian Masters move while I was at work.
Vaclav showed up at the gig and hung out afterwards.
Thursday I leave for Vegas!!! Gonna be FUN in the sun!!