I feel like I have a new lease on life and I want to to the best I can to fulfill my life's dream. It wasn't a bad dream then, it still isn't. In a complicated world that manufactures bullshit at a dizzying rate, now more than ever people need something to laugh and smile about. Widespread dissatisfaction and frustration among the masses burps and farts as the sheep are lead to slaughter. I'm talking about the "real world", know what I'm saying? FUCK ALL THAT BULLSHIT!! I'm one a one man crusade for truth and beauty in life. Honesty and the courage to call a spade a spade. . . not to his face. . . but you know what I mean.
There is hope, life is good. People are good and corporate america is a matrix of misguided values and layers of bullshit that filter down the food chain, poison thought and edit expression. Glad I traded all that in for a deck of cards, 5 silver dollars and a beaten down audience; jaded with the notion that there is no magic in life and that no one is going to pull one over on them. HA I tell you HA HA, I will fool them into believing that their miserable existence is the illusion and that the real trick is figuring where the joy and happiness is coming from.
Rock On