Street performed at Pike Place Market . Pulled in $160 in a couple hours. Not liking not being able to get up on my newspaper box. Definitely effecting my hats. But playing the game. Using my strongest powers of negotiating to get to "Yes". "Marlene, I understand your concern. Certainly the issues of liability and risk is important to both of us. The International Brotherhood of Magicians offers an insurance policy with $1,000,000.00 of liability insurance and allows me to name the Pike Place Market as the insured. I hope you will consider this option. I am happy to pay for the policy and provide the paperwork to you at your convenience." " Now can I please get back up on my fucking box and do my show. . . please."
Ruben stopped by and tossed a $5 bill in the hat as he always does when he walks by. Thanks Ruben, I appreciate it. . . so does my landlord. Thanks for the lemonade too, just what I needed at that moment. Your a pal.
Sunday evening I had plans to go to a
Contra Dance with Julie and a few of her friends. I had no idea what it was about, but I was game. There was a pot luck dinner before hand. We had brought our food, plates and utensils but were a bit late and thrown off by the bizarre vibe in the air as we peeked in the Sunset Community Center in Ballard. We opted to have our own little picnic on the hood of my car.

After supper, we scared up enough courage to go in and see what this was all about. The band consisted of about 7 fiddle players, a guitar and a lute. A woman named Mimi engaged me inconversation, asked me if I was going to dance , I told her that I thought I might just watch the first one and get a feel for what Contra Dancing was all about. I asked her if Ollie North would be calling the dances, my joke fell flat and she wouldn't hear of me sitting the first one out. So I got in line. Overall it was an entertaining evening.