
A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!
Another week vanishes like a silk in a closed fist.
I met fellow named Brian Bern who took some nice pictures of me street performing last week. I think this guy has a great eye. He captures the essence of busking in a snapshot moment in time. Far out.
Tuesday nights session was good. The evening started off with just Steve, Buster and me. I made pork chops, mashed potatoes and broccoli. We enjoyed our dinner over some conversation about magic and the South Center Session which I've missed the last few times. Steve filled us in on what we had been missing. Seems like some of the old school, Harry Lorayne stuff he's been practicing was a hit with Mayhew and Carpenter. I didn't have any doubt that it would. They're really some solid routines, entertaining and baffling. Guess, Buster and I will have to start going again. Actually, soon enough, Buster will be heading back to Cincinnati for the summer. I sure will miss him.
My date with Linnea went well. Before I left to meet her I was tossing the football with Buster. I was asking him how I knew if this was a date, or if we were just getting a beer, or if there was even a difference. Being 15, never having been on a date or even giving a shit about his nutty dads' pre date jitters, Buster was aloof.
I talked to my mom yesterday. She was officially accepted and placed on the heart transplant list. She sounded good but nervous. This is a big step by anyone's standard. She could get the call at anytime now. Mrs. Matthews, it's time to get your new heart. WOW!! That's some heavy fucking shit!
Started the day off running around a bit to pay some bills. The woman behind the inch thick glass accepting utility bill payments was overjoyed to see my stack of one dollar bills that she was going to that to count. I reminded her with a smile that I could have brought the rolls of pennies. She found no humor in me or my wad of cash. Did a little street performing in the early afternoon. Was surprised that I cranked out about a hundred bucks in a little over an hour. Not bad for a Monday. I thought about working more but thought I would quit while I was ahead. I wanted to spend a little time with Buster before meeting Linnea at 6:00PM.
Dear Tom,
I count my blessings daily. . . and there are many. I'm always surprised that anyone seeks out or finds the distant corner or cyberspace that is my blog. I feel a certain amount of comfort and strength in sharing my innermost thoughts, feelings, fears and triumphs. Thank you all for being a part of my journey. Thank you for your advice, thank you for your thoughts and thank you for. . . you. . . whoever and where ever you are.