Cups and Balls du Jour

These beautiful brass Cups and Balls were made by Joe Porper and can be yours for the low low price of $695. Click his name to visit his site and see all the other cool stuff he makes and sells!
A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!
Excerpt from "Expert at the Card Table" by S.W. Erdnase
Having had them twice many years ago, I knew earlier in the week that something was up. It didn't get too bad until last night. I performed at a company Christmas Party from 7-8 and then the Fenix from 9:30 - 11:30PM. I was fine all day but when I got home from from The Fenix after midnight, the pain they compare to natural child birth was back. I didn't want to go to the hospital, but I really had no choice. I was going to try and drive myself, but that was going to be hard to do with the pain and breathing in a paper bag because I was hyper ventilating. I called Steve Ameden who was nice enough to get up at 2AM and take me to the emergency room. Thanks Steve, that was above and beyond the call of duty. At the hospital, they managed my pain with some morphine and gave me a CAT Scan or whatever it's called. The kidney stone had almost completed its painful trip to my bladder where I hope to pass it in the next few days. I guess we'll see.
Hi Tom,
What's supposed to be peak season, holiday shopping, looked like light traffic to me. It was cold and my hands took quite a while to get with the program. Because of the cold (43 degrees) I performed the ugliest rendition of my ring routine. I also had trouble with the star coin manipulation where I balance a coin on each fingertip using only one hand. I was successful in selling 3 trick decks in one pitch for $20 a pop in less than 7 minutes. Then for the next hour I made less than $30.
Just didn't feel like it. Growing frustration with my battle to see my kids has not ben good. I wanted to go and get RIPPED, but I knew that was not the way to deal with what I was feeling. Buster and I took a long walk on the beach and talked about movie ideas. Over the last year, I've only missed a few Wednesday nights at the Owl and Thistle. Oh well, at least I was up in the morning to get Buster off to school.
Another pleasant evening jamming out on magic with friends. An never ending, ever changing parade of interesting characters. Scotty, just back from a month in Europe told us of his travels. Philemon enjoying his pipe, did a clever spending limit prediction with a bunch of plastique credit cards. Scotty showed us a neat little voodoo doll trick that he picked up at a magic shop in Paris. Becky is working on her doubles and Doc Daley's Last Trick. Steve and Chad worked with a secret gimmick (which will remain nameless. . . to protect the innocent). Adam worked on the Gemini Count. Steve had a new rubberband trick, a one handed penetration with a pen. Tim so full of love and enthusiasm is always working on about 10 different things. Nash busted out a neat Karate Card Splitting Effect. He also did the coin in can trick for those who missed it last week. Chad's card work has grown by leaps and bounds since we first met a few years ago.
Mr. Feldman,
This shit has got me stressed out. My stomach aches, I have heart burn and a bizarre little pain near my kidney on the left side. I need to get a grip. Scabs from legal battles fought in a different lifetime in another divorce completely healed only to be ripped fresh. . . red blood.
Dear Ms. Tynan:
Hi Tom,
Mr. Feldman,