A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Cups and Balls du Jour

These beautiful brass Cups and Balls were made by Joe Porper and can be yours for the low low price of $695. Click his name to visit his site and see all the other cool stuff he makes and sells!

The S.W.E. Shift

Excerpt from "Expert at the Card Table" by S.W. Erdnase

This is a move that I spent way to much time on as a kid.

We have not dubbed the following process with our initials because we wish to appear "big on the bills," but merely to give it a name. Still, we must confess to some satisfaction in having originated what we believe to be the most rapid, and, for certain purposes, the most perfect shift ever devised. The method is practically the same as the "Longitudinal," but as the deck is held crosswise it is much more rapid. The position is open and natural, and the shift possesses many advantages for conjuring purposes.

Hold the deck in the left hand, face down, first joint of the thumb against middle of one end, second, third and little fingers against the opposite or lower end, little finger holding a break between the two packets at end, by the corner of the lower packet being between the little and third fingers, the little finger lying partially across the corner of the under packet. (See Fig. 71.)
This position, like that of the "Longitudinal," allows the tips of the second, third and little fingers to appear over the top of the deck, and the fact that there is a break is not apparent to a spectator. The first finger is curled up against the bottom. The break is held only at the lower end, and at the inside, the other fingers and thumb holding the packet firmly together. Now bring the right hand over the lower or right-hand end of the deck, and seize the sides close as possible to the lower corners, between the second and third fingertips and thumb, the first finger curled up on top out of the way. This leaves at least two-thirds of the deck in view. (See Fig. 72.)
To make the shift raise the right thumb to the edge of the side, draw the top packet in and down with the left thumb and little finger, and press the lower packet out and down, between the right second and third finger tips and the left first finger which is curled up underneath; the left second finger at the end helps to control the lower packet as it is pressed out. This action will tilt the opposite sides of both packets upwards, and as they clear each other the right thumb tip catches the under packet, and the left third finger catches the upper packet and it is brought back underneath. (See Fig. 73.)
When the shift is mastered the entire action is accomplished by a pressure in opposite directions on the lower packet, and the packets reverse like a flash, but of course it must be practiced slowly until the knack is obtained. The positions of the hands may be taken with easy deliberation, as there is no indication that a shift is meditated. It may be made with the hands stationary without exposing the action. With the deck face up it makes an instantaneous "Transformation," and the position of the deck permits the operator to get a glimpse of the index without being observed.

The shift may be made with the right hand almost entirely covering the deck, but this alters the whole character and aim of the process, the main endeavor is to make it as open and free from concealment as possible.

Kidney Stones

Having had them twice many years ago, I knew earlier in the week that something was up. It didn't get too bad until last night. I performed at a company Christmas Party from 7-8 and then the Fenix from 9:30 - 11:30PM. I was fine all day but when I got home from from The Fenix after midnight, the pain they compare to natural child birth was back. I didn't want to go to the hospital, but I really had no choice. I was going to try and drive myself, but that was going to be hard to do with the pain and breathing in a paper bag because I was hyper ventilating. I called Steve Ameden who was nice enough to get up at 2AM and take me to the emergency room. Thanks Steve, that was above and beyond the call of duty. At the hospital, they managed my pain with some morphine and gave me a CAT Scan or whatever it's called. The kidney stone had almost completed its painful trip to my bladder where I hope to pass it in the next few days. I guess we'll see.
Kidney Stones
Well Mr. Osborne, it may not be kidney stones after all.

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Cellini Line of Rolex Watches

Who would have thought?



HAU Cellini

And I thought he was just my mentor the legendary Street Magician Cellini


In my "In Box"

Hi Tom,

Do I understand that you'll be in Alberta just prior to our event? We're looking at bringing up Sylvester the Jester. Robert mentioned that you'll be working with him in Red Deer?

If you're in the province, I'd like to try and make this happen.

(-: Russell

ps. to clarify, I'm talking about the Fort McMurray interPLAY Festival, August 11-13.

Tom Frank wrote:


I would need a guarantee for $600 a day, round trip air fare and lodging. I looked at a map, and it looks too far to drive unless I could get some other work while on the same trip. Any ideas?


"If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams. "
Yann Martel, author of Life of Pi

Russell Vincent Thomas
Keyano Theatre and Visual & Performing Arts Publicist/Marketing Coordinator

Happy Birthday Mom!!!


Today my mom celebrated her 66th birthday. I talked to her last night on the phone. She said there's plenty of snow in Cleveland, Ohio. She had a heart transplant a few months ago and is feeling stronger every day. . . well maybe not every day. . . but she's doing fine.

I took this pic in Feb. of 2004 when I was back in Cincinnati to do a gig. Buster will going to Cincy from Dec. 17 - Jan. 3rd. I wouldn't mind a trip back to my old home, but that's just not in the cards.

I'm close with all of my family, and talk to them regularly on the phone. We've all been through a lot together. What a long strange trip it's been.

Satellite view of where I live


To see an ariel pic of the Alki Beach area in West Seattle Click Here. My house is smack dab in the center of the picture, across the street from the beach.


Street Performed at Pike Place Market this afternoon

What's supposed to be peak season, holiday shopping, looked like light traffic to me. It was cold and my hands took quite a while to get with the program. Because of the cold (43 degrees) I performed the ugliest rendition of my ring routine. I also had trouble with the star coin manipulation where I balance a coin on each fingertip using only one hand. I was successful in selling 3 trick decks in one pitch for $20 a pop in less than 7 minutes. Then for the next hour I made less than $30.

It was a beautiful day. It was clear and the sun was shining. The mountains were out in all their glory and I was happy to be there.

Blew off dancing last night

Just didn't feel like it. Growing frustration with my battle to see my kids has not ben good. I wanted to go and get RIPPED, but I knew that was not the way to deal with what I was feeling. Buster and I took a long walk on the beach and talked about movie ideas. Over the last year, I've only missed a few Wednesday nights at the Owl and Thistle. Oh well, at least I was up in the morning to get Buster off to school.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Tuesday Night Magic Session

Another pleasant evening jamming out on magic with friends. An never ending, ever changing parade of interesting characters. Scotty, just back from a month in Europe told us of his travels. Philemon enjoying his pipe, did a clever spending limit prediction with a bunch of plastique credit cards. Scotty showed us a neat little voodoo doll trick that he picked up at a magic shop in Paris. Becky is working on her doubles and Doc Daley's Last Trick. Steve and Chad worked with a secret gimmick (which will remain nameless. . . to protect the innocent). Adam worked on the Gemini Count. Steve had a new rubberband trick, a one handed penetration with a pen. Tim so full of love and enthusiasm is always working on about 10 different things. Nash busted out a neat Karate Card Splitting Effect. He also did the coin in can trick for those who missed it last week. Chad's card work has grown by leaps and bounds since we first met a few years ago.

Just a delightful evening. I'm getting concerned about Mark Jensen who hasn't been around in weeks and we missed Jose last night as well. Each time I go to Ellensburg I think about giving Mark a call and seeing if he us up for a short visit. He lives at Snowqualmie Pass about an hour out of Seattle with his wife and kids. It really is quite beautiful up in the Cascade Mountains.


Tim brought dinner and a smile


Chad and Steve


Scotty & Chad


Becky rolling a half dollar


Randy busy taking notes on the tricks he's learning


Adam, just trying to steer clear of Chad's quips and comic barbs


Guess who?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

In my "In Box" from Sylvester The Jester

Hey Tom,

What's happenin' I have been workin hard even though Ive hardly been working. I started writing some stuff for my hour show. A routine with a ugly drunkn puppet and a kinda monologue thingy. I was hoping to get some feed back from some friends and you fit that bill in spades.

the objective of this monologue was not only to fill a certain amount of time but to create a stronger connection with the audience in a way that is still funny.

Whadda ya think? There will be some sound and visual effects accompanying the whole thing.


You guys, act like ya never seen a real live cartoon before. But there are thousands of us! Most are in politics.. But some, are right here in this room.. They?re not so easy to spot though. Fact is, not everyone is as comfortable with their own cartoonity as me. Sadly, most of us live in denial of our cartoonal tendencies, living a secret life as a closet cartoon. But I say, that if you have a cartoon spirit trapped inside your body; you can bet your acme rocket shorts that it?s dyin? t? come out! So look at each other..and look at yourself. Could you be a closet cartoon?

How do others see you? Be honest. When you walk by to they, snicker or point? Do they ask you what country your from even though you?ve lived here your whole life? If so,you?re probably a closet cartoon. So check your hair! Do you have big hair and a little head? Very little hair on a big head. Or hair everywhere, except on your head? Thing is you don?t have bad hair, You?re just a cartoon and don?t know it. And what about your ears? Oh, how about that nose? And stuff growing out of your ears nose? That?s just the top of you? How about your body? Is your body funny? Let me tell you it is! And it don?t just look funny! It smells funny too. Heck, I bet it even make sound effects! (fart) But, no need to excuse yourself, here, just let it out!

But thats just your looks. How about this? Does Wilma Flintstone give you a woody? Does Fred give you a woody? Does Woody give you a Freddy?

Stop living in denial, the fact is, others may know the truth, long before you. Outwardly you look as normal as me but inside (grin) there a cartoon trying to get out! And it can make ya do stuff too!

Ever smashed your finger with a hammer? Poked your self in the eye? Or picked at a little hang nail and ended up pealed your entire finger like a banana? That smarts. Or ever try to eat something so hot, you need a skin graft afterwards. Whose put jumper cables on there nipples? Or licked a red curling iron or the bumper of a car in a snow storm? (tongue) Ill admit it!

If you?ve answered, ?ya - ya dats me.? to any of these then head on over to your nearest acme retail store and ask for a complete make over! Cause there?s a new world waiting for ya!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Godhead Tulum by Ralph Steadman


A memory of the Yukatan when leaders were Gods in their own right and Mayan culture was woven around them. Pyramids were built in their honor and ball games were played using the heads of their vanquished foes. League Tables were unheard of and rape and pillage were politically correct interval pastimes.

And so it begins

Mr. Feldman,

Please fw me a copy today of Mr.Frank's recent letter you discussed with me this morning, Tuesday, December 6th.

Thank you,
Moira A. Tynan

12/6/05 3:30 p.m.

Dear Ms. Tynan:

I am not in a position to share with you communications between my client and I with you. Therefore, I will not be forwarding you the requested letter.

Secondly, my client has informed me that he has a work engagement on December 22, 2005, so therefore would require the dates to be the 21st and 23rd.

Best regards,

James A. Feldman


I got a letter today from family services re: Mediation. It's been scheduled for Dec. 20th at 9:30AM


Sick to my stomach

This shit has got me stressed out. My stomach aches, I have heart burn and a bizarre little pain near my kidney on the left side. I need to get a grip. Scabs from legal battles fought in a different lifetime in another divorce completely healed only to be ripped fresh. . . red blood.

I must remind myself, that they can't hurt me anymore. Worst case is, it stays like it's been for the last two years. Need to focus, need to untie the knots in my stomach, slow down and enjoy the fight ringside, nice and personal.

It was never in my plan to fight back. I sacrificed myself and was steamrolled. I refused to participate in a war of hate and I got FUCKED.

Now it's time to make up for lost time. Pick up the pieces and move forward. I can't say that I have a lot of confidence in the system; but it's all I got I guess. I'll take the fight to her. . . in Kent at the Regional Justice Center and Marriott.

Session tonight. Now that my parenting classes are over the core group will meet for dinner at my home this evening. Afterwards the session grows around us. I think Mr. Flynn will be bringing supper.

Maybe we'll shoot some video and something inspired might happen.

Video du Jour


Streaming Link Click Here

Finally getting somewhere?

Dear Ms. Tynan:

I have discussed your proposal for contact between my client and the children pursuant to the parenting plan in existence at this time and must inform you that he has rejected your attempts to unilaterally alter said plan.

Therefore, please be advised pursuant to the parenting plan, Mr. Frank hereby designates December 22 and 23 as his time with the children pursuant to paragraph 3.7 of the parenting plan and that, pursuant to paragraph 3.2 of said plan, he will be at the Shell Station on the corner of Front Street and Sunset Way in Issaquah, Washington, at 2:00 p.m. and will return the children to that location at 7:00 p.m. on each of those days.

I had hoped to resolve this matter less formally, but your refusal to deviate from the order only when it serves some purpose which you find acceptable to you has resulted in Mr. Frank’s requirement of full compliance by both sides.

You should be aware that Mr. Frank has completed the Apple parenting class as required by the court and I am preparing to serve upon you a new motion for a temporary adjustment of the parenting plan.

Lastly, please be aware that, if you do not comply with the parenting plan in terms of the upcoming Hanukkah contact with the children, a contempt motion will be filed.

Best regards,

James A. Feldman

Movie Script Ideas


The film opens with a close up of a coin rolling over the knuckles maybe one, two or three coins - macro shot maybe slo mo

the camera pans back and we see a beautiful close up shot, well lit, grainy in B/W Roll out to star manipulation classic feel

You know, I've been doing this sort of thing for a really long time. And in my darkest hour when the shit is caving in and around you. Those brief moments where I get to stare the real world eye to eye and say in the face of certain doom, FUCK YOU, yeah fuck you!!!

So I'm pretty much an insufferable card man, I hate to say it but it's true. For instance this brand new deck of Bicycle League Backs. . . . gives me a woody.

I like construction in an effect but mostly I'm into bullshit. If you can get them aboard on your weird wonderful world of magic, man that's like nothing else.

You see I used to like end my show by hopping up on the newspaper box and perform the linking rings

But then bureaucracy and bullshit ended my fun. . . . yeah right. Smirk

Something about being way up there a visual spectacle, to grab their attention and create that moment when the rings melt through one and other silently; I look at the crowd, smile and share that feeling. Shit I know how it's done and it still gives me the shivers.

To create good art is paramount. Suspension of disbelief. . . creating moments where special things happen, it's my life's work. I always thought it was a noble thing to make people smile. That's what I try to do with my audience. Create a giant collective smile. . . yeah and then I took two more hits of acid.

Yawns and puts head on hands

falling asleep . . . resting. . . . . . dreaming

Dream sequence music

In the dream sequence the cards are talking and the camera shot is from the Deck Cam Sound effects for cards like the perfect faro gets a "Whose your daddy!" Cards not happy about rough treatment from drunks and argue in small groups. Card cam as heavy set woman clutches and bends the card as she presses it to her bosom, all the other cards wince. Whole thing has kind of a Alice in Wonderland feel

Now up through the hands holding the cards I look down and comment that I'm a downward bow guy. Breaking in deck of cards is very important, with the forefinger of the right hand I flex the packet.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Crappy Movie


Buster and I caught the 9PM showing at the cheapies. William Hurts' career must be hurting. Buster thought I was losing my mind. He said, "C'mon dad, it had everything you like in a movie. . . a good body count. . . gratuitous sex!?" Shit, I must be growing up; now I expect a movie to have a developed plot and and an ending. Oh well.

Seattle at Philly in the snow


Seahawks shut out the Eagles, Forty Two to Zero!!!!

Buster and I enjoyed our Monday Night tradition of chicken wings and football. Seahawks are looking STRONG!



Theo Bamberg (Tobias Leendert Bamberg) 1875 - 1963

Most generations of magicians

The Bamberg family comprised of six generations who excelled in the art of magic for over 200 years. The first to enter the business was Eliaser Bamberg (The Netherlands, 1760 – 1833), who was a sleight-of-hand expert with a secret compartment in his wooden leg and called himself “The Crippled Devil”. Eliaser's son David Leendert (The Netherlands, 1786 – 1869), grandson Tobias Bamberg (1812 – 1870), great-grandson David Tobias Bamberg (The Netherlands, 1843 – 1914) and great-great-grandson Theo Bamberg (The Netherlands, 1875 – 1963) all became magicians.

Theo, known as Okito, was considered one of the world's greatest Chinese magicians. Okito’s son David (UK, b. 1904 - 1974) was the last of the dynasty performing as Fu Manchu.

Well Hello Dali


In my "In Box"

Hi Tom,

I received your wand in the mail today and am very pleased with it. It is just the right length and the ironwood has a beautiful dark, natural look to it. Looks both mystical and innocent. And the wood itself is damn strong. An accidental tap to the knuckle stings! I hope you continue to offer these in the future.

So, I just heard about RNT 2 doing a redux of your Phoenix Cups. I am pleasantly surprised to hear this. I am a fan of the Bertram design cup and would be very interested in your new model. What kinds of changes will there be? More attic space? A closed mouth bead perhaps? What about size? When is the expected date of arrival and price?

Thanks for making a great wand.

Talk soon,

When grown ups go bad and the children suffer

Mr. Feldman,

It has come to my attention that Moira, the kids and her boy friend will be coming in to Issaquah on Christmas day to pick up Dom's (the boyfriends) kid Conner. This is the day that My dad and step mom will be visiting my step sister in Maple Valley (15 minutes from Issaquah). I've asked to discuss this (as well as other opportunities) with her. She continues to insist and maintain that she will only discuss this matter through you.

What I propose is, that when she arrives in Issaquah, the kids enjoy a Christmas Day / First Day of Hanukkah surrounded by bunch of loving family members that don't get to see the kids because of Moira's denial of any reasonable visitation (and my folks live in Atlanta). I will pick them up in the morning in issaquah, and deliver them back home in Ellensburg so that they can go on their week long vacation the following day.

What is the next phase, should I be calling family services to find out why we don't have a mediation date yet?

When do I start getting overnight visitation?

Mr. Feldman please feel free to shoot from the hip and let me know what I can be doing to move things forward.


Tom Frank

PS I hope you know that if there is a holiday function that might benefit from some magical entertainment, I 'm your guy! Only too happy to provide strolling magic or a stage show, to show my appreciation for all that you are doing for me.

The Brush off


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Cold day in hell. . . . I mean Ellensburg. . . sorry


Truth be told, I would cross the country to spend time with my kids. We had a great time together (short. . . but great)


This was the last I remember seeing Liam's mittens. They disappeared somewhere along the line. . . before the movie. We backtracked our movements in search of them, but to no avail.

Lunch at Arby's


My one and only daughter Hope Elizabeth Frank. We enjoyed a $27 meal at Arby's. . . oy! The meal I could have prepared for the same money!! Then I screwed up everybody's order, how should I know they didn't want the chicken. I told Hope and Max if they didn't like what I had ordered for them to take the chicken back and swap it out for roast beef sandwhiches. The guy told Hope she could just keep the chicken too. I think she learned something today. . . . I know I did, when at Arby's get roast beef for everyone.


Liam, Hope & Buster


Max, with snot dripping out of his nose.

Took the kids to see a movie in Ellensburg


We all enjoyed it. After the third time during the first 15 minutes that Liam asked where our popcorn was I went to the lobby and got the large bucket. Kid after my own heart. Got to have popcorn.


One More Saturday Night


Here's Buster trying to look innnocent as I leave for work at 9PM on a Saturday Night. How long do you think it took him after I left to change the whole vibe?


Here I am, asking myself the same question.