Now this was a good time! For the last few years Will Waxler and Harvey Weinstein have invited me to spend time with them in Vegas for the Super Bowl. They get their room, food and drinks comped for being such swell folks. I never felt like I could afford to go. As it happens, I could not afford "not" to go. I asked Will, "How much money do I really need to bring?", he said, "Your room is taken care of, all of your food, all the booze you can swill and all the cigars you can smoke". I took the bait and had a great time. Thanks Guys!

Harvey in the room at the Bellagio (click this posts title to visit the Bellagio Web site. . . cool)

Got to chum with old friend Mac King who performs 2 shows a day at Harrah's. Ras drove in from LA he arrived in the morning and left that evening. We all saw Mac's show.

Ras, TF & CH, "And the laughter continues on and on".

Harvey and I got some comped tickets from the Amazing Johnathan and caught his show at the Riviera

Spent my last afternoon in Vegas chatching up with old friend Mike Close and his wife Lisa.

These were the the cigars I brought back with me!! I smoked twice as many in the 5 days and 4 nights I was in Vegas. Now that's strong action. I was a true WINNER!!

The Party Boyz of Rock n Roll, the guys who made this trip possible. Hope I get the invite again next year. I could get used to that!