A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Friday, February 11, 2005

My Day In Court

Or should I say my 5 minutes in court. Judge did not grant the continuance I was asking for. No worries. This changes nothing, I still have issues about seeing my kids and the court will hear those as well. So, in life's poker game of Texas Hold'em, we've now seen three cards on the river. She knows I've spoken to an attorney and I am planning something. I'll raise the bet and figure that she will call her attorney. Why can't we all just get along?

Restraining Orders and Court and Judges. . . . Oh My

In two hours I will be standing in front of a Judge at the Regional Justice Center in Kent, WA. Moira will have spent two hours in the car, probably coming down last night, staying in a hotel to make the 9AM court time.

As usual, I am full of surprises. Whereas she thinks this is a simple address change for an existing restraining order, I have much more in mind. So much so, that I will ask for a continuance. I was served with papers regarding this court date less than two weeks ago. Recently I was given the advice to get counsel to represent my interests in this matter.

There are other issues (that I am not prepared to discuss at this time) that require the help of a lawyer. I hope the Judge will grant the continuance and allow me to present all issues at the same time. There has been a significant change in circumstance with Moira moving an hour and a half away and as I said my needs will be better met with legal counsel.

I find it humorous that Moira thinks her fight is over, when in fact it hasn't even begun. There is a method to my madness. . . even if I don't know what it is. :-)

What she doesn't know, is that now with over a month of no drugs I am prepared to do whatever it takes to get overnight weekend visitations with my kids. I have an appointment with the drug evaluator Tuesday. He is sympathetic to my cause and has agreed to do the evaluation for free. He also said he would put me in touch with a lawyer that will work pro bono.

Perhaps the tides are changing. . . wouldn't that be nice.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Las Vegas for Super Bowl Weekend!!

Now this was a good time! For the last few years Will Waxler and Harvey Weinstein have invited me to spend time with them in Vegas for the Super Bowl. They get their room, food and drinks comped for being such swell folks. I never felt like I could afford to go. As it happens, I could not afford "not" to go. I asked Will, "How much money do I really need to bring?", he said, "Your room is taken care of, all of your food, all the booze you can swill and all the cigars you can smoke". I took the bait and had a great time. Thanks Guys!

Harvey in the room at the Bellagio (click this posts title to visit the Bellagio Web site. . . cool)

Got to chum with old friend Mac King who performs 2 shows a day at Harrah's. Ras drove in from LA he arrived in the morning and left that evening. We all saw Mac's show.

Ras, TF & CH, "And the laughter continues on and on".

Harvey and I got some comped tickets from the Amazing Johnathan and caught his show at the Riviera

Spent my last afternoon in Vegas chatching up with old friend Mike Close and his wife Lisa.

These were the the cigars I brought back with me!! I smoked twice as many in the 5 days and 4 nights I was in Vegas. Now that's strong action. I was a true WINNER!!

The Party Boyz of Rock n Roll, the guys who made this trip possible. Hope I get the invite again next year. I could get used to that!

My People

Buster and I have now made two trips out to Cle Elum to visit with the kids. During our last visit we went to Max & Hope's school. Cle Elum, sounds like a mouth disease. . . "she was a wonderful woman but later in life suffered from an awful case of Cle Elum". Cle Elum Roslyn Elementary School, nice school and the kids seem to like it. We visited both of their class rooms and met with the student teacher in Hope's classroom. I'd like to get in the loop of what's going on with them academically. I will call the office this week and speak with both of their teachers. Let the teachers know that their new students have a father who cares about his children and wants to be informed.

My darling daughter Hope Elizabeth. Teeth missing like a piece of my heart

These next 4 shots were taken at the school. While the weather was warmer in Seattle on the other side of the mountains in East Buttfuck there was snow on the ground. We took this photo 4 times to make sure we got the effect Max was after. He said it was raining snow. I'm not sure. . . but isn't that called snowing. I did not correct him.

Buster in a rare smiling photo. He is officially in his brooding teenage snarling phase. Showing off his new CD player. Wish I could afford to get him an iPod, but he is appreciative of what I can give him. He is a wonderful young man, and I'm a lucky guy to have him in my life.

Hope playing hopscotch behind the school on the playground. I shot some nice video of the kids playing in the snow.

Liam out of Dipers!!! I told him, "I don't have a change of clothes, so if you need to go. . LET ME KNOW". This makes me very happy, I was wondering when Moira was going to loose the pull ups and make the jump to big boy underwear. Good for them both!