A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Like a frightened child I hide

Confused, hurt and in pain

Trying not to fill my life with hate and anger

I just want to give love and happiness

What is the plan for tomorrow? Should I take the kids, you take the kids, or meet there?

I was wondering if there was any chance of spending some time with the kids on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I understand that you might be in Cle Elum, if so; I would be happy to make the trek over the mountains. Buster will be in Cincinnati from Dec. 21 - January 1. Just want to give the the gift of love to our children over the holiday. . . even if only for a couple of hours.



Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You Win

       FYI, Max was invited to a birthday party this Sunday the 12th from 11-2pm (got the invite yesterday from a classmate).  It is at the Family Fun Center in Tukwila.  Parents and siblings are invited as well.  Please let me know tomorrow if you want to take them so I can RSVP or I'll give you the number so you can.  Thanks.
     The kids and I will be out of town December 21st-28th.

I would love to take them; however, I don't have any extra money to spend on food or games. I'm not sure if if would be better for you to take them, or for me to meet you there. What do you think?

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Mostly about the kids. I hope you know how much I love them, and want to be an active part of their lives. I miss bathing them, I miss singing them to sleep, I miss being with them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is you win. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to be in their lives more. I will do the evaluation thing and piss in whatever cup you wish, whenever you say. This doesn't change the fact that I still cannot afford the evaluation. I can't come up with rent let alone all of my other expenses and your drug evaluation on top of it all. I feel like I'm in between a rock and a hard place.

You love the kids

I love the kids

Help me to what's in their best interest

Please pay for the evaluation and let's work towards overnight weekend visitations.



Round & Round & Round we go

          Celeste and I did receive your e-mail of 12/03/04 regarding my move.  On Sunday while picking up the kid's, you also asked me when we could get together to talk about this matter.  Per the court Motion and Celeste's letter, this move will not effect your visitation scheduled times.  However, I wanted to respond to your request regarding "overnight weekend visitations".
          I have always been an advocate of you spending more time with the kids.  But, it is your continued refusal to comply with the Court ordered drug program that has resulted in any "minimized" visitation.  When you have fulfilled all the responsibilities of the drug evaluation and testing as outlined by the court; overnight visitations can be discussed.  In fact, since you have already mentioned several times to the children about moving back to Cincinnati, I want to believe you have already given this matter some serious re-consideration.
         As you asked for suggestions from me.....if you are currently unemployed, maybe it's a good time to contact the court ordered facility (please see Parenting Plan) and begin the enrollment process.  In the meantime, I know that when the kids are with you, you enjoy spending time at your home as well as the park and beach.  I think they would have fun eating one of your home cooked meals picnic style!