Saturday, March 18, 2006
In my "Out Box"
Dear Moira,
The kids are off school all next week for spring break. I'd really like to spend more than 5 hours at a time with them. Do you have any ideas that would work for you and them. It's crazy the games that WE are playing with OUR CHILDREN. As Ed Greenleaf said, we BOTH need to accept responsibility for the lack of contact.
Let's get it together and start working together for our kids sake. What do you say? How about I see the kids for a couple of full days in Ellensburg? Please. . .
Friday, March 17, 2006
In my "In Box"
Thanks Tim for giving me the notarized copy of this letter at the session on Tuesday.
To whom it may concern:
I am writing on behalf of my friend Tom Frank. He has asked for a character witness so that he can have overnight visitation with his children. I am glad to write this letter on his behalf.
My name is Tim Flynn. I am 46 years old, have been married for 25 years, have three fine children. I have been an employee of the Boeing Company for 28 years.
I have known Mr. Frank for three years now. I spend almost every Tuesday evening at Mr. Franks’ residence from 7 pm. To about 10:30 pm. Several of his friends and acquaintances get together to practice the art of magic. One of the regulars at our Tuesday night sessions is Steve Ameden. He is a Seattle police officer. Why do I bring this up? For credibility, you the reader, do not know me from Adam, as the saying goes.
It is my understanding that Mr. Franks’ ex wife thinks Mr. Frank is into drugs, or that he would somehow be dangerous or detrimental to the well being of his own children. I have never witnessed Mr. Frank taking or doing any drugs. I have seen repeatedly a loving man open his home to people who love the art of magic and Mr. Frank unselfishly helps all who come to him. I have witnessed the interaction between Mr. Frank and his teenage son John for over a year now. I have never witnessed Mr. Frank yell at his son. I have seen however the love between the two. Both people caring for each other and helping one another. They are beneficial to one another. It would also be extremely beneficial to Mr. Franks’ other children and himself to allow them more time together. People often say “you must spend quality time with your children.” While I whole heartedly agree with this, it is equally true that in order to find the quality time. One must have the quantity of time together for the quality of the time to happen.
My father was married six times. My mother was married seven times. I saw first hand the bitterness my mother felt for my father. She never spoke badly of him, she just never spoke of him, nor did she ever allow him near us children. I do not believe she did us any favors in that regard. Out of the five siblings I have, EVERY one of us got into drugs and alcohol. Every one of us smoked cigarettes. Two of us had trouble with the law. All of us, except me, have been through divorce. I often wonder how different our lives would have been if my father had been able to be a part of our lives. He was a very intelligent man. He could read Greek and Hebrew. He was a 32nd degree Mason. He was an excellent carpenter, a pilot in World War two. He never drank or smoked. Yet he was considered bad for us according to my mother. Who lost out in this relationship? EVERYONE!
In a time when we have, “dead beat dads,” and absent fathers. Here is a situation where you have just the opposite. A man who wants to spend more time with HIS three children, and the opinion of one person. No facts. No proof, nothing to justify her actions upon, is keeping them apart. Where is justice in that?
It is my understanding that Mr. Frank has complied with every request by his ex wife as far as drug testing is concerned. He has passed every test. How much more must this loving father endure before you do what is right for all concerned?
Tim Flynn
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuesday Night Magic Session
We had a good turnout for the Alki Beach Magic Studio • Tuesday Night Jam Session. In attendance were: Tim Flynn, Mark Storms, Jose, Randy, Philemon, Roger Needham, John Longenbaugh, Brian Cook, Nash Fung, David Rudd, Becky, & Isaac Louie. . . I think that was everyone.
After an introductory round robin (where we go around the table and everyone, who wants to, does a trick), we brought a topic for discussion. John will be workshopping a play at the end of the month. It's a one act magical comedy. He wanted some feedback on some of the effects that he will be performing in the show that he wrote.

Some good ideas were given about the proper handling of appearing and vanishing canes. Brian had some good ideas about some linking ring moves, It was a hearty and fruitful discussion, I think John left with some good ideas. I though it was cool that we got to discuss some stage magic for a change.

It was great to catch up with the gang. I hadn't seen David Rudd in a while, it was nice to hear about his daughter who is about a year and a half. David and his wife will be producing a new child for their upcoming season. Got to like that! Congrats! David also talked a bit about his recent trip NYC and some sessions with Jamy Ian Swiss.

Mark performed an interesting mental book test with Isaac & Jose as spectators. I think Mark has a good approach to his magic is is well read. He favors mentalism and does a nice job with it. Later in the evening we had a spirited discussion about book tests. Philemon is always a wealth of information when it comes to mental magic.

Brian blows Isaac away with this classic.

Becky has been working on the roll out and star using 5 half dollars. Nash is always working on some card and coin stuff. We worked a bit on modifying some coin moves. The gang brought food and drinks and it was a nice party. Roger did a St. Patty's Day packet trick. David did some impossible card divinations with multiple cards. Philemon did a neat mental effect with a story about bird watching.

Linking Rings were next on the hit list. Tim has been learning the Jack Miller Linking Ring Routine w/ Poetic Patter. He's obviously been putting in the hours of practice to get it going. I'm proud of him and all his progress in magic and life. Tim performed, then Brian did his routine to music, I followed by performing the rings to music as well, starting out with a beautiful Slydini 2 Ring Sequence that Cellini taught me back in the day. Brian finished out the ring segment of the session by performing a nice routine with the Porper Rings. . . looked great Brian!

Roger, Mark, John & Jose (me in the kitchen)

Brian had brought his ebony James Riser Ball and Vase for the Gallo routine. Using the beautiful prop I bumbled my way through the Gallo routine. This started a discussion about gimmicked vases as opposed to sleight of hand routines. I brought out a Morrison Pill Box as well as a Hoffman Style vase to illustrate some points.
Master of Mystery Comes to Seattle!
Ursa Major, in association with Remember Theatre, is pleased, amazed, and a little baffled to present:
Marvolo the Anti-Smoking Magician!
An original one-act comedy featuring the Master of Mystery, Marvolo!
The show runs Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturday nights at 7:30, beginning March 23 and running to April 8 at the Odd Duck Studio, 1214 10th Avenue, on Capitol Hill in Seattle.
Tickets are available at the door and through Brown Paper Ticket, linked below.

We're fortunate to have reached Marvolo for a pre-show interview at his exclusive engagement at the Lion's Club in Fondulac, Wisconsin.
UM: Hello Marvolo?
M: Hello! Who is this?
UM: It's Ursa Major in Seattle.
M: What? Who is that? I don't know you.
UM: We're the theatre company who are sponsoring your run here in Seattle.
M: Seattle? I don't know anyone in Seattle. Who is this really?
UM: Could you tell us a little bit about your show?
M: Hold on a second. (off receiver) It's some guy with a hippy name in Seattle. Oh. Okay. (back on) Larry says he knows you. So! Hello Seattle!
UM: Hello!
M: Hello! (pause) Well, what do you want?
UM: We were hoping that you could tell us a bit about what amazing illusions you'll be bringing to Seattle.
M: Well, they're some pretty amazing illusions I've got over here. Like the Flaming Swords Through the Neck Illusion. That goes over pretty well, though there are still a couple of things I got to work out with it. My assistant Larry still gets a little flinchy when I get out the lighter fluid. And the Mechanical Monkey. I get a big kick out of that one.
UM: Tell us about the Mechanical Monkey.
M: Oh, that's a good one. It's this Monkey, and he dances around the stage and eats things. We get into an argument about his using my Blockbuster account, and he starts really going crazy, you know? Then I pull out his batteries and he falls over. It's all good fun. Though he seems to scare the kids sometimes.
UM: Why's that?
M: Well, he's kind of creepy, really. He has this face that's sort of a monkey face and sort of a clown face and sort of a robot face. And sometimes he knocks the kids down. So maybe I won't be bringing him. But I'll have lots of other amazing illusions, don't you worry!
UM: I'm wondering why you're known as the "Anti-Smoking Magician."
M: The what?
UM: The "Anti-Smoking Magician."
M: I don't know what you're talking about. I smoke a pack a...wait. Hang on a minute. (talks to someone off the phone.) Oh. Yes. I'm grateful that my show will be part of the Anti-Smoking Arts Crusade 2006, sponsored by Art Path...
UM: You mean Art Patch?
M: Yeah. Those guys. They let people know that smoking is bad. Which it is, right?
UM: So I've been told.
M: So, we're going to have lots of amazing magic that tells you that smoking is bad. I'm not quite sure what we'll do. I'll talk to my technicians. Maybe we can make a giant box of cigarettes and make them disappear. Or turn into swords. Or something. But I'm proud to be the "Anti-Smoking Magician," let me tell you.
UM: Is this your first visit to...
M: Speaking of smokes, I'm driving, okay? I mean Larry is driving but I got to get into this 7/11 and pick up some provisions. So thank you for calling Mr. Hearst...
UM: I'm with Ursa Major...
M: Major Hearst, sorry. And I will see you in Seattle soon! Get your town ready for MAGIC! (off receiver) There! Next to the Honda Civic! Oh come on, I could park a yacht there, let alone this van.
UM: Thank you Mr. Marvolo!
M: You too! And remember, think MAGIC!
End of interview
Tickets For Marvolo
The Seekers
The Seekers trick was created by Paul Swinford.
In this trick, the dealer starts with an odd deck, usually by adding a joker.
He then performs a modified incomplete faro shuffle. It is called modified because he leaves two cards together on the bottom of the deck, and incomplete because the two halves are not pushed together.
The magician then riffles through the top half of the deck, stopping when an audience member tells him to.
The magician allows the spectators to see the card. During this time, the magician has his little finger in the bottom half of the deck, opposite the chosen card.
The chosen card is now x cards from the top of its half of the deck, while his finger is x cards from the top of the other half of the deck.
The magician then separates the deck, putting the half with the chosen card on top.
The chosen card is now x cards from the top, while his finger is 26-x cards from the bottom.
He then cuts the deck where his finger was separating the cards. This adds the 26-x cards to the top of the deck.
The chosen card is now x + (26 -x) = 26 cards from the top, putting it in position 25.
The positions are numbered from 0 to 52.
The dealer then cuts the deck somewhere below the chosen card.
He then shows both the card he cut to and the bottom card in the top half of the deck to the audience. Neither card is the chosen card.
He puts these two cards on top of the deck face up, moving the chosen card from position 25 to position 27.
The two face up cards are in position 0 and 1.
The magician then allows the audience to cut the cards.
This puts x cards on top, moving the chosen card to position 25+x and the face up cards to x and x+1.
Finally, the dealer performs a perfect shuffle.
If he performs an out-shuffle, the face up cards are moved to positions 2x and 2x+2, while the chosen card moves to position 2x+54, which mod 53 equals 2x+1.
If he performs an in-shuffle, the face up cards move to positions 2x+1 and 2x+3, while the chosen card moves to position 2x+55, which mod 53 equals 2x+2 .
Either way, the chosen card is placed between the two face- up cards.
Fun stuff huh?
On the web
This is a matter that needs attention immediatly. Thousands of americans are having their freedom stripped away by the "CHILD ENFORCEMENT AGENCY?"
The child support enforcement laws that have been enacted in the past few years are unfair to non-custodial parents. A primary difficulty with these laws is their inflexibility. Due to any number of circumstances, non-custodial parents may find their earnings decreased due to a lay-off, injury, illness, or many other reasons. But the mechanism for modification of support orders is very slow to respond. In fact, as is often the case, NCP's are faced with huge arrears due to their inability to make full payment of child support for months at a time. Once there is an arrear, it can not, by law, be modified. This is clearly unjust. Under current law, NCP's who fall behind in their court ordered child support payments can be judged criminals, even felons, and imprisoned.
If NCP's fall behind in the court ordered support payment, they can lose their drivers license, in addition to their professional license to conduct business and they can also be denied a passport.
Measures to extract the maximum possible amount of money from non-custodial parents have become increasingly extreme, and often violate the basic principles of human dignity and privacy upon which this country was founded. Some states are now posting pictures and biographies of parents with outstanding balances on the internet in an attempt to humiliate them into compliance. Millions are being spent developing linked computer systems and databases in order to locate and seize the "assets" of "deadbeat parents", when in fact, the primary reason that most NCP's fall behind in their child support is inability to pay.
I believe that these measures all violate the constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of tens of thousands of fathers and other non-custodial parents. The specific rights violated include the right to equal protection, to due process, the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment and arbitrary fines and penalties.
Furthermore, I also believe that these new measures simply will not work for the following reasons:
1. Criminalizing parents cannot be good for the children. It drives a wedge between the parent and the child, which is not only unfair to the parent, but it may severely damage the self esteem of the child.
2. The new laws will clog the court system.
3. They will result in ever increasing numbers of parents withdrawing from participation in their children's lives.
4. They will result in ever increasing numbers of parents opting out of mainstream society, to hide out from what they consider unfair prosecution.
5. They will result in parents being sent to prison simply for experiencing financial hardships and falling behind in support payments.
6. They will increase divisiveness in our society.
7. They will further reduce our civil liberties.
Just what I fucking need!
The angry knock was back this morning. It was the friendly neighborhood sheriff delivering the papers from the Department for Health & Social Services. It seems the latest in the never ending saga of my divorce is that the powers that be are trying to suspend my drivers license for being behind on child support. Yep, that should fix the problem.
On a lighter note,
I have been in communication with Max & Hope's teachers and I'm trying to spend a full school day with each of them. Then if I can spend the afternoons and early evening with them on those days it might actually feel like we are getting to see each other.
I try and not let this stuff dissipate my resolve. . . but it chips away at my psyche in chunks.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Why Older Chicks Rule
Embellished version of a piece created by Frank Kaiser
This is for all you girls 40 years and over.... and
for those who are turning 40, and for those who are
scared of moving into their 50's...AND 60's..and for
guys who are scared of girls over 40!!!!
As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most
of all. Here are just a few reasons why:
A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of
the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't
care what you think.
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she
doesn't sit around whining about it. She does
something she wants to do. And, it's usually something
more interesting.
A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be
assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and
from whom. Few women past the age of 40 give a hoot
what you might think about her or what she's doing.
Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a
screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle
of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve
it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think
they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often
undeserved. They know what it's like to be
unappreciated. A woman over 40 has the self-assurance
to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman
with a man will often ignore even her best friend
because she doesn't trust the guy with other women.
Women over 40 couldn't care less if you're attracted
to her friends because she knows her friends won't
betray her.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to
confess your sins to a woman over 40. They always
A woman over 40 looks good wearing bright red
lipstick. This is not true of younger women. Once you
get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far
sexier than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell
you right off if you are a jerk, if you are acting
like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you
stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of
reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every
stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 40+, there
is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool
of himself with some 22-year-old waitress.
Ladies, I apologize.
For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you
can get the milk for free", here's an update for you.
Now 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because
women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig,
just to get a little sausage.
Got the part
I auditioned for a short film project at the Seattle Film Institute and got the part! Should be fun and interesting. Not sure what to expect. Guess we'll see.
Monday night at the movies

Movie Trailer • Click Here
Last night I took Gail to see this movie about Johnny Cash. I never thought that I would be a Johnny Cash fan, but after a year or so of honky tonk drinking and dancing at the Owl & Thistle grooving to the sounds out the Vinyl Avengers; I am a true fan his music.
Good flick. My only complaint about these sort (biographical) of movies is that Hollywood tends to spend more time on the persons faults and shortcomings than on their artistic contributions. To reduce the whole of a persons career and offerings to that of a pill popping beer swilling honky tonk singer seems a shame. As in the movie Chaplin staring Robert Downey Jr., to me it seemed that they spent a disproportionate amount of time on his love affairs with 15 year old girls and the trouble that got him in. These were great artists and like most people had their problems, but they were SOOOOOO much more than their problems and the movies rarely spend as much time on how they overcame their obstacles. Oh well, I guess it's the other more ugly stuff that sells tickets.
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash
I hear the train a comin'; it's rollin' 'round the bend,
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck at Folsom Prison and time keeps draggin' on.
But that train keeps rollin' on down to San Antone.
When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son,
Always be a good boy; don't ever play with guns."
But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
When I hear that whistle blowin' I hang my head and cry.
I bet there's rich folk eatin' in a fancy dining car.
They're prob'ly drinkin' coffee and smokin' big cigars,
But I know I had it comin', I know I can't be free,
But those people keep a movin', and that's what tortures me.
Well, if they freed me from this prison, if that railroad train was mine,
I bet I'd move on over a little farther down the line,
Far from Folsom Prison, that's where I want to stay,
And I'd let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Went to an audition yesterday
Not quite sure why I went, but I did. Guess I wanted to start broadening my horizons. I felt like bailing right up to the moment I signed in. But I did it. Guess we'll see.
Audtion Date and Time: March 12th (Sunday), beginning at Noon.
Producing Entity: Seattle Film Institute
Description: Movie is a comedy that parodies infomercials.
Two Male Leads, great at improv playing the roles of two sellers (Martin
and Leroy). Ages 18-45
Two supporting, capable of remembering lines ? one a young male farmer
(Duncan) and the other a simplistic young female (Janet). Ages 18-25
One Male supporting, young and handsome (Young Man). 18-25
Any ethnicity for all. Script and meals provided. 1709 23rd Ave Seattle, WA
98122. This is an unpaid project, however a DVD of the film will be provided
and food/drinks will be available during filming. Filming will take place in
late March.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
setting up on that street corner
watching the people go by
until something happens and the show begins
captured for a moment
in time and space
reaching out and giving a chunk of who I am to my audiences
we connect or maybe not
street theater is vital and important
it is a spontaneous gesture, the gift of magic
to those who shall receive
and it is fun and exciting and different
but no so much in the cold
Time to do it again
Homer Liwag & Friends
Back to the fun at the World Magic Seminar. Monday had come and gone. Lot's of fun into the late night. Who should walk by but my old friend Homer Liwag, his girlfriend Amy and her twin sister. Homer was looking at least 30 pounds lighter than the last time I saw him and had his typical energized glow. The girls didn't hurt the look either. It was just great seeing him. It's been a rare treat in my life to watch this young man take his place in magic history.

Homer shot this pic by having us all crowd under the lens. Always looking at the world from a different perspective

I shot this one from my normal perspective. You know life has taken a bizarre twist when you are the most normal person you know. I didn't see that coming. I'm happy to party with the freaks.
Homer was excited to introduce me to a friend of his. A clever young frenchman named Sebastian. At 3:00AM Homer led the way away from the activity of the bar to a secluded area one level up and around a corner. While riding the escalator up Homer was raving about this guys unique approach to magic. When Homer talks a guy up like this, it's bound to be something special. I was so flattered that he thought enough to facilitate a private performance.
While enjoying the new direction the morning was taking I was introduced to yet another fascinating character. A fellow named Jamie Schoolcraft, maker of precision coins. We all settled in to watch Sebastian weave a mystical spell that connected us all in a heightened magical mood.

Jamie & Sebastian
Sebastian, a fan of Paul Harris's interesting plot twists and innovations, demonstrated a few pieces of magical theater. My favorite was a routine he calls Memento's (after the 2002 film of that title). Like the film throughout the routine, he keeps forgetting everything. But knowing that he will succumb to this memory loss he leaves himself clues that eventually make the trick work. Fun to watch with a solid ending. It was great to hang out with these guys and see what makes them tick. And the girls hung in there there troopers. Any women hanging with Homer must have a high tolerance for our fine art.
The discussion turned to theory as we talked about various inspirations that we draw from outside of magic. These are the sessions that conventions are made of. Homer showed me some of Jamie's custom coin work, extraordinary work for a guy who says he has no formal training. In his van he had a portable work shop complete with lathe and oven. While at the convention he did some special work for some heavy hitters including Mike Gallo. He says he doesn't perform, but banged out a nice 3 coin routine. We talked about out mutual friend Thomas Wayne and the world of, top of the line trickery. At some point Homer asked me to do 3 Fly for the gang. I banged it out using my beat up old silver dollars. Afterwards Jamie wanted to inspect my coins. He looked at them in disbelief, and said, "I have NEVER seen coins like that. . . . and I have seen a lot of coins!" I wasn't real sure what he meant, then It occurred to me that they are truly beat to hell. He looked at the coins and then at me and simply said, "That's love, man. . l. that's love".
Homer thought it would be funny to make a shell out of one of my beat up old silver dollars. I also shared a wand that I had broke earlier that night and my beat up cups and balls. Jamie asked me, "What did your props ever do to you? I wondered.
Time flew by and I think I hit the sack before day break. Great night! My thanks to Homer for years of friendship.

Back in the day