A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Friday / Saturday

It was fun hanging out with Gazzo, Steve (Magic Pitch), Mark, Jose, & Isaac yesterday. I hooked up with the guys at the Pike Place Pub where they were well on their way to an afternoon beer buzz. I had a pop and enjoyed a hummus plate that Mr. Jensen treated me to. Thanks for lunch Mark. I had worked an hour at the market and was in line to work another set. After lunch the guys came out and watched me work a bit at the market. I was honored to have Gazzo in the audience even though he was just being polite by watching.

Then the city performed the vanish and reappearance of Marks' car. Got to watch out for that NO PARKING from 3-6PM on 1st Avenue. It was Steve Ameden who correctly predicted where we might find the vehicle. Later we all met at the Alki Beach Magic Studio for more beer and an interesting discussion about cups and balls. We talked about street performing over the last 20+ years and all the crazy characters that were a part of the sub culture that we called our lives and our friends. We shared stories about Cyrus and Birdie, Rocky aka Sonny Holiday and all the craziness of years gone by.

I had to get ready to work the Fenix and Gazzo and Steve had to do some shopping in preparation for their 2 day Master Class. I really wish I could have participated in the class, but I really needed to make money, not spend it. I can't wait to hear about all of the exciting things the boys are learning.

Today I had some great sets at the market. I have decided to say fuck the rules and get back up on my newspaper box to finish my show. It felt great! Saw Carl and Joanie Andrews today in my crowd. This will be the last time I see them for a while. The next cruise ships they work will dock in California. I get such a warm feeling from them. Married 31 years. . . I envy them. Carl has always had it going on. I'm lucky to have so many friends in magic.

Gazzo Visits

TF & Gazzo


Gazzo Gups

Friday, October 07, 2005

Took Buster to a movie tonight.


We went to the cheapies and caught the 9:15PM War of the Worlds.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Juice Table


Juice Table Video Clip

Quicktime clip will take a couple minutes to load

Flashback to 1999

I wrote this on October 8, 1999 time flies. . . . and I still miss him.


Larry Pringle was my friend, my teacher and one heck of a nice guy. He died a few weeks ago. He carried me through some of my tough adolesent episodes; so it seemed a profound irony that I would be one of his pallbearers. Putting this man to rest is a harder task than I would have ever imagined.

My memories of Larry are deep and special moments. Twenty years ago we used to session at Larry's house every Saturday morning. Shawn Greer, Ken Bierly, Larry & I would start the day with donuts and card tricks. Larry's generosity with his possessions and his knowledge were mind boggling. As a teenager I worked on the Judah handling of the Chinatown Half. After months of practicing the routine; with Larry coaching my angles and timing he felt the time was right. "Tom, I've got something for you" he said in that low half mumbling voice of his. "This was Stuart Judah's Chinatown Half set." My mouth hit the floor. "Ahh Ahh. . . . Duh" was all I could say as I inspected the walking liberty and Chinese coin. Larry loved to give. He gave me so much of his time and some of my best tricks. He was a sleight of hand man through and through.

Seeing him in the casket, broke my heart. . . It was for real. He had in his hands a used deck of bikes and a wand. I couldn't help but thinking that he would have preferred a new deck of Tally-Ho Circle backs. Tears welled up in my eyes as my mind swam through a maze of years gone by. His son Mike asked If there was anything I wanted to put in the coffin. I replied that there was. I walked out to my car; opened my trunk and got out my Doctor's bag. From the side compartment in the lid, I removed my set of Cups and Balls. I walked back in and placed the cups by his side. I cried.

One of the first things Larry ever said to me was, "If you don't do the cups and balls or the linking rings. . . . You're just not a magician". Well, Thanks to you Larry Pringle, I've spent the last two decades trying to perfect those important tricks. I don't think that I've perfected the tricks yet. . . but I learn more about my art and myself each and every time I perform them.

Larry Pringle will be greatly missed by all his friends in magic. . . . . and there were so many of us. . . who knew him, loved him and were proud to call him a friend. He was a big man with an even bigger heart. With big hands, he made that Hofzinzer palm to palm transfer look so easy. The guy had class. His silver hair slicked back standing straight and proud. We are the keepers of Larry's memories. Share them with each other. . . and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during these difficult times.

"And the seasons, they go round and round. And the painted ponies go up and down, we're captive on a carosel of time." Joni Mitchell

Life goes on. We all deal with loss in our own way. Try and picture Larry in your minds eye. Remember that half cocked grin he'd flash when he'd knew he had just fooled you bad. Well it's clear to me how I need to deal with the aching pain in my heart. for now I will just float in the special memories as I do 1000 classic passes.

With Love and Respect,

Tom Frank


The cable access shoot went well enough. Didn't do that much. Performed an eight handed poker deal, placing the 4 aces in any hand named. Did a little second dealing demonstration and that was about it. Dan the guy whose show I was on, "Major Pixel" has expressed some interest in being my agent. It would be nice if he could get me some gigs. But, after over two decades in the biz. . . I never hold my breath.

After the shoot I came home and hosted the Tuesday night session. Randy was back from his honeymoon in Croatia, Steve was back from his rock n roll wedding anniversary in Columbus, OH and Jose was back from working on an investment home he's fixing up. Tim showed up sporting the nice table he built. He didn't want to admit it, but he's a tall guy and the table is too short for him. We had a couple new guys show up. Edward, some freak I met at the market and his psychic healer buddy who looked like he'd just come from a Grateful Dead Show. Edward showed the gang a handful of rusty split fans. It's obvious he worked on this stuff a lot at some point, and he seems interested in getting his chops back. Jose, Steve and Randy also worked on some fanning, back palming and other card manipulations. Steve has this pretty production where he squeezes out cards. Pretty stuff.
We covered forces, spending a bit of time of the psychology and method behind the classic force. Edward asked about the Misers Dream, I demonstrated the Sol Stone version from Tarbell 7 and he showed the gang a bit of stuff he has been working on.

Tim did his Cups and Balls routine. We talked about the Faro Shuffle and it's applications in poker deals. We wrapped up around midnight. I tied off, shot some heroin and passed out in a puddle of my own puke.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Last weekends performances

Between street performing and my sets at the Fenix Underground, I focused on slowing down. It felt good to really give my audiences a chance to absorb what they were seeing and an opportunity to react and respond. It's always been a problem with me to go too fast. As a young street performer I was always afraid of my audiences walking away during the performance. It caused me to develop a rapid fire approach to my performances. These days as an aging and maturing performer I can appreciate the need to slow down, accept the fact that not everyone will stay for the whole show, calm down and enjoy the pace that I determine and carry out.

I've been in a depressed funk for a while. Today I took a nice walk on the beach across the street from my house, smoked a cigar and asked myself, "what do I really have to be depressed about?". LIfe is good. All the mysteries of life will be revealed in good time. Relax, enjoy and bask in the sunshine that is my life.

I think I'll take a little afternoon nap, practice for my TV performance and create good art. That's a much as I can expect from myself today. . . . and I'm cool with that.

I'll be on TV tonight

This will be my second appearence on Major Pixel's show on Seattle Public Access Channel 77. The show airs live from 6:30-7:30PM Pacific Coast Time

For those of you not in Seattle, the show airs live streaming on the web

Streaming Link Click Here

If you happen to see it, leave a comment. I'd be interested in your thoughts as to what you thought of it.

My Dad. . . Born to be wild

Never thought this song would make me think of my dad. He just got back from a trip to Arizona (From Atlanta) on a Harley. He's living the life!


Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
And the feelin' that I'm under
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space

Like a true nature's child
We were born, born to be wild
We can climb so high
I never wanna die

Born to be wild
Born to be wild

From the 1968 release "Steppenwolf" Words and music by Mars Bonfire

Tim's Table

My Ammar Table 004

Tim Flynn scores bonus points on making this beautiful table. Nice Job Mr. Flynn!! Will you be bringing it to the session tonight at the Alki Beach Magic Studio!? I'm sure the boys would ket a kick out of seeing it close up and personal.

See ya tonight!

Monday, October 03, 2005



I got a call this morning from Chris Karney. This guy is a nut!! He'll be opening up for Sandra Bernhard at the Hudson Theater Off Broadway in New York City. The show will be taped for Comedy Central. I met Chris briefly in the back room of Seattle Magic, never seen his act, but he cracks me up. He lives in San Francisco, where he street performs and works comedy clubs.


I had lunch to today with Carl Andrews and his wife Joanie. We met at the Fox Sports Grill downtown. I sure was good to see these guys. I hadn't seen Carl on over a dozen years and even longer than that seeing Joanie. Back in the days in was Carls' idea to open up Illusions, a magic themed restaurant in Indianapolis. Seems like a lifetime ago. Carl and Joanie have been working the cruise ships for years and are based out of Florida.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Boy playing with cards


Oil on canvas by Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin