Saturday, December 03, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
A moment in time
The phone rang, I looked at the number and immediately knew I didn't like it and I wasn't going to answer it. Fuck that! Who's going to answer 1 999 999-9999 and God forbid you pick it up and look at the little screen upside down. Double OY!
Listened to the message later, it was Blockbuster Video giving me a friendly reminder that I had something of theirs and that If they didn't get it back by Monday, that they were going to kick my fucking teeth in. . . . that's nice. Effective. . . but nice. I think I'll drop it off on my way to the Fenix this evening.
Wind, Rain and Snow
The winds pounded the boat and the sails rip and the mast snapped with a hugh crash as it nearly misses a human doorstop. And then calm. 28 hours where nothing happened. Except. . . . . . . . in dreams.
The water is constant, and the beach is always there. The waves come in, the waves go out.
There is a chill in the air as I wack golf balls into the ocean. I think of Kramer from Seinfeld.
Then it's later and I'm video conferencing with my pal Steve W. from Cincy. He asks me to do a trick. I look around to see what's handy and spot my ball and cone. I do a short routine where the ball is placed under the cone and it rises and penetrates to the top. I rinse and repeat. Down and under and up through the top. Then I vanish the white pool ball and make him think it's inside the cone. I tell him he's right, the ball is under the cone, but it's a RED pool ball!!! For dessert I performed a beautiful little one ball suite to the whispering inspirations of Tony Slydini. Steve and I go way back. We attended the School for the Creative and Performing Arts. Steve is a lucky man, blessed with a beautiful loving wife, great kids, and a successful business working for himself.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Video Conferencing very cool
What's next, online, realtime sessions with magicians from around the world. . . Far out!

Steve Weinstein in Cincinnati, me and Buster here at home in Seattle.
I've been video conferencing lately. When I upgraded my system that was one of the added perks I didn't even know about. Dick Tracy shit if you ask me.
Tuesday Night Magic Session
We talked about the pass. The Classic Pass, The Fan Pass, The Bluff Pass, The Jiggle and Dribble Passes. We explored the notion that the pass is a rite of passage in the journey of a card man.
Earlier in the afternoon Jose had been over for a private lesson. He wanted to learn the pass. It was a strong lesson that focused on proper finger positioning and getting the fundamentals right. I shared with him some of Homer Liwag's thinking on the subject. Subtleties and nuances that can make a difference. I told him that I've never been a classic pass guy and That I favored Paul LePauls Spread Pass. We covered that a bit. The extended discussion at the session was productive. Chad did his version, Pete busted out the bluff pass and fooled Jose and Randy. . . nice! Then we talked about alternatives, side steals, cuts and other such nonsense.

Nash Fung
I give the Trick of the Night Award to Nash Fung who among many other things performed "Sinful" a very clever signed coin in sealed pop can. Very Cool, Very Strong. Nice work Nash. Core members Steve Ameden and Tim Flynn were there as well as a few others.

Pete demonstrates card splitting.
Pete brought a voodoo piece as well as a mental piece.

Pete Burrows
Philemon has been joining us for the last 3 weeks and is a wonderful addition to the group. It's so nice seeing him again. When the shop was in business he was my right hand man, always there for me. We talked a bit about Hot & Cold reading, and Philemon gave us a lesson in Equivique. Excited to try out the new information.

Brail Playing Cards from my collection
News Flash! Johnson Copper Cups only 25 Sets!
A very special unveiling is taking place at this very moment. The release of the Johnson Products Cups and Balls in precious Copper. Only 25 sets in this Limited Edition run and there are more than 25 Cups Collectors Worldwide. The cups follow the same dimensions as the beautiful Johnson Cups in Brass and these in Copper each weigh 6.7 ounces. Included are 4 crochet balls and a rich maroon velvet drawstring bag to hold these beauties. Those fortunate few that will be successful in obtaining a set for their collection or performance will never regret this very special purchase. Price is $395 and as on all purchases over $50 KT Magic gives free Domestic Shipping. To view these cups please Click Here .

The monkey chased the weasel
What is going on here!!?? I came to you almost a year ago and feel no closer to overnight visitations with my kids. As far as I can see I have done everything that anyone has asked me to to and more.
I was evaluated by a drug evaluator (TWICE), I pissed in a cup while someone watched me, I tested negative for any drugs, 4 times over the course of 3 months.
I have now completed the apple parenting classes.
I have been going to Ellensburg every other week, spending 4 hours in the car for a 5 hour visit.
At what point does this turn around.
Was mediation supposed to be scheduled by this point. Even if it was, we can anticipate her complete lack of cooperation. Can we just go back to court?
I did not see my son or daughter on their Birthdays
I did not see my kids on Halloween
I did not see them on Thanksgiving
Now I have to accept that I will not see them for the Holidays or New Years Day.
This is killing me slowly and breaking my spirit.
What can I do to move things forward.
Show me another hoop
and I will gladly jump through it.
Tom Frank
PS She says she wants a week starting Dec. 26. . . . my Father and Step Mother are coming in to visit for Christmas. They will be staying with my step sister in Maple Malley. I would like her to drop off the kids in Issaquah (at the gas station like the parenting plan says) on Christmas day (also the first night of Hannukah) at 11AM and pick them up at 7PM. That's what I would like to see happen.
Please advise me what to do, as my frustration is increasing.
Thank you for your time
Round and round the mulberry bush
November 29, 2005
Dear Mr. Feldman,
This letter is to advise you of the Winter Holiday Vacation dates I will be exercising with the children, as outlined in the Parenting Plan. I want to give you my written advance notice of my one week uninterrupted Winter/Christmas Vacation dates, again per the Parenting Plan:
One week vacation period of Monday, December 26th
through Sunday, January 1st, 2006.
Since I have not heard from you by the November 18th deadline, it's my understanding that Mr. Frank will not be exercising any holiday time again this year.
In regards to Sunday visitations, even though I have still not received a written schedule for his Sunday visitations, Mr. Frank may continue seeing the children on alternating Sundays (11am-4pm) with the exception of the above stated January 1st, 2006 date.
Moira A. Tynan
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just finished chatting online with my niece Nikki. We talked a little about my sister Margie (her mom). After Margie died Nikki lived with us for a while. I always felt close to Nikki. . . still do. It's nice to keep in touch with her.
I told her about how when I lived with Sylvester the Jester, 9 months after she died, how important he was in helping me rebuild my life. He had lost a little brother and knew very much how I felt. Here are a couple of poems Danny wrote during that period.
The Unfore sea For Tom "85"
We each set sail
On a vessel bound across the Unfore sea,
On a voyage to Tomorrow,
In our ship Reality.
Outside here hull
The ocean stirred, in all its majesty
While we observed, our limbs secured
By Faith and Gravity.
But There! Off the cape of futile hope,
The good ship struck bad luck
A young one trapped, her lifeline snapped
And then disaster struck.
Reality broke and the cold sea spoke
And it ripped our ship apart
Then it all went down and my bunkmate drown
And the sea rushed in my heart.
The salty drops drip down my cheek
And it stung deep in my throat
And we'd drift like wreckage through each wave
And strain to keep afloat.
We'd cling to one another
Lost within that icy sea
Good bye to thee young sailor girl!
Farewell reality!
We'll wade here in your memory
And we'll learn to love the sea.
And I'll swim deep in your memory
While you watch over me.
Will you watch over me?
Here's one more
Bundle "85"
So uncertain is this burden,
Like no mortals bore before,
As a shadow through the curtain
Laid a bundle at my door.
A weight so great it can't be lifted
Burning through my human hands
It's tragic shape deformed and twisted
Bares my soul with but one glance.
From a lifetime long ago,
Or a moment yet to be,
I see its face and now I know
This injured infant must be me.
Chris Kenner

I've known Chris since we were teenagers. He was from St. Louis and I was from Cincinnati. We saw each other at the Magi-Fest each year as well as other regional conventions. We didn't really become friends until our stint at Illusions in Indianapolis, IN.
I think I took this picture at the Louisville National Convention in 1986
We just finished instant messaging a few minutes ago. I sent him the pic, and I think he got a kick out of it. He said it made him feel old.
Chris is now the Executive Producer for the David Copperfield Show. No one in show business works harder than them. Last year in Vegas over the holidays they did 48 show in two weeks. This year they'll be doing 52 shows in 15 days. Unbelievable!!!
"The Rainbow Connection"
written by Kenny Ascher and Paul Williams
(The beautiful opening number of "The Muppet Movie" - the one that occassionally makes me cry.)

Kermit: Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it,
And look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
All of us under its spell,
We know that it's probably magic...
... Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
... Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
It's something that I'm s'posed to be...
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
Laa, da daa dee da daa daa,
La laa la la laa dee daa doo...
Monday, November 28, 2005
This morning Buster was up and out, back to school after a nice 4 day holiday weekend with him mom. Last night when we dropped Cricket and Larry back off at the Marriott Waterfront, I asked them if they would like a lift to the airport in the morning. They were appreciative when I dropped them off shortly after 9 this morning. I think they liked Seattle and hopefully they got a got idea of the life that Buster and I have made here. Last night after dinner we came back to my place and Buster gave them the nickel tour. We hung out a bit and Buster played the guitar for everyone. Cricket praised his progress. Before dropping them off we drove them by Buster's school.
Waking up this morning, we tried to crank on the heat. . . no go. That sucks, it was chilly in the house. Freezing outside about 50 degrees in the house. Before I left the house this morning I called Seattle Oil and ordered another 100 gallons. When I got home, after the drop off at the airport; I popped in a DVD and bundled up under a comforter and put a silly hat on to keep my bald head warm. Last week we rented Young Frankenstein for a paper that Buster was writing for school. While he had watched it, I had not and today was the day, before I take it back. Brilliant piece of work from Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks. After the film, I watched the documentary on how the film was made. Fascinating, the process of making good comedy.

The oil guy came around 12:30 and I had to cough up $311.52 for the last 100 gallons I bought less than a month ago. Ouch.
Buster came home from school around 2:30PM. We hung out and brainstormed on movie ideas. We have a month to put something together to submit to the Short Film Competition at the Desert Magic Seminar. Later we had dinner them watched Monday Night Football. Colts buried the Steelers and sustained their undefeated season making them 11-0. . . yeah baby. Good game, very entertaining.
Prepared a couple sets of cups to be shipped, and that's about it. Very liesurely day. Was glad to have heat in the house a bit after noon.
Peace out
Figuring it out
Spent like an empty tank of gas
Cold and lonely
frost on the car windows
needing to be scraped
warmth inside
my heart burns a fire
for my kids, my wives, my life. . . my art
figuring it out
I know
who I am
what I am made of
what I can offer
Poison clouds clarity
from the center of the demon
bursts through his chest a fist
my fist
stubborn and powerful my magic
will not yield
So much to say
so much to offer
so much to create
so much to live
and dance
and kiss
and love
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Magical Weekend

The holiday weekend was artistic, productive and profitable.
Last night at the Fenix my set list included
Cups and Balls
Fastest Card Trick in the World
Ambitious Card
Doc Daley's last Trick
4 Handed Poker Demonstration
Bare Handed Card Production
2 Card Production
3 Card Production
Multiple Card Selection (most I did last night was 10 cards)
Coin Manipulation (roll out to star and 3 coins rolling over knuckles)
Coin Vanish & Reproduction
Coin Falling Up
Silk & Silver
Vanishing Knot
3 Fly
Spirit Nut w/ Stuart Judah ending
Card on Ceiling
Mike Gallo - Ball and Vase Routine (w/ James Riser props)
Vanishing wand and reappearance
Unlinking Bar Straws
Linking Rings
It was nice enough to street perform on Saturday and Sunday. While my hands were a bit cold, I did fine with my street shows and deck pitches. Sold 7 decks at $20 a pop.
Cricket and Larry invited me to go to dinner at Salty's on Alki. They were going to treat me to dinner again, but I though it only fair to pick up the tab. We had a nice time watching the sun set on the Seattle skyline. We could see sea lions out in the Puget Sound and fire works when the Seahawks beat the Giants.