Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Life is good
The days pass with a new spring in my step, love in my heart and a smile on my face.
Yesterday I was in a TV commercial. It would have been cooler if I was being paid, but I was happy to have the experience. I guess when it's all edited down I'll put it on my web site as commercial experience. Who knows. . . a whole 3 people might actually see it.
After the morning shoot in Edmonds, WA I headed to the market where it rained enough to make me go home with an hour still left on the meter.
Gonna try in again today. Still need another hundred bucks for this months rent and need to try and bank some cash for child support. Highly motivated to get working so that's all for now folks!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Session Pics

Nash & Mark

New guy, Clay, I met at the Fenix (never been to a session or hung out with any other magicians before)

Mini watch stealing session.

Session night landed on my birthday. Tim & his wife made a tasty cake! Thanks Flynn's!

Polly surprised me by ordering a beautiful hat from my favorite hat maker in Cincinnati, Gus Miller at Batsakes Hat Shop. I think she must like me. A very nice birthday. I am lucky and blessed with good friends and family.

Video Clip du Jour • Click Here
Sent to me by Gerard Bakner from France! Thanks Gerard, for sending the entertaining clip.
Quote du Jour
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and science.
-Albert Einstein
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
David Blaine Rocks!
Magician David Blaine Leaves Hospital
(AP) Magician David Blaine left the hospital Tuesday where he had been admitted for observation after being submerged in an 8-foot fish bowl with an oxygen mask for a week followed by a 7-minute breath-holding stunt.
Rescue divers jumped into the 2,000-gallon saltwater tank Monday night and hauled up the magician as he struggled to break a breath-holding record of 8 minutes, 58 seconds. Blaine, who had spent some 177 hours under water, went without air for 7 minutes, 8 seconds as a finale to his endurance stunt.
After being given oxygen, Blaine, 33, looking weak and wrinkly, addressed the large crowd that had gathered around the tank on the plaza of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.
"I am humbled so much by the support of everyone from New York City and from all over the world," Blaine said. "This was a very difficult week, but you all made it fly by with your strong support and your energy."
The challenge had taken a toll on the magician's body, including liver damage, pins and needles in his feet and hands, some loss of sensation and rashes, said Dr. Murat Gunel, who heads Blaine's medical team and is associate professor of neurosurgery at Yale University School of Medicine.
His medical team and trainer said they would talk in detail about his condition at a news conference later Tuesday.
Blaine started training in December, with some help from Navy SEALS. He lost 50 pounds so his body would require less oxygen. The water temperature was regulated to help keep his core temperature near 98.6 degrees, and he ate and relieved himself by tubes. He remained tethered to an oxygen tube.
As early as on the second day of his challenge, Gunel said, there was evidence that Blaine was suffering liver failure; the medical team consulted with medical experts at NASA before stabilizing his condition. Blaine's underwater environment was similar to the weightlessness experienced by astronauts in outer space, he said.
"I told him he needed to get out of the water, and he refused me," said Gunel. "He said he did not want to let the people down."
The doctor said Blaine had agreed to allow researchers at Yale to examine him after the stunt to see what they can learn about how the body responds to the environment underwater.
All day long, curious onlookers lined up to walk past the sphere.
Linda Brady brought along a boom box and loudly played Jennifer Lopez's "My Love is All I Have." Blaine appeared to respond by bopping to the beat.
"I just love him," said Brady. "He has a creative mind just like me, and he's crazy just like me."
Another spectator, David Linker, said Blaine symbolized "man's strength to go beyond what normal people can do."
Blaine's previous feats included balancing on a 22-inch circular platform atop a 100-foot pole for 35 hours, being buried alive in a see-through coffin for a week and surviving inside a massive block of ice for 61 hours, all of which were performed in New York. In 2003, he fasted for 44 days in a suspended acrylic box over the Thames River in London.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Polygon or should I say Polly gone.
That's right, we stayed in each others arms long enough to almost miss her fight back to LA. It was a wonderful 8 day visit. I love this girl. Who would have figured that we would have so much in common. Go figure, she still can't get over that any straight man would love old MGM Musicals as much as her. Last visit we watched one of our favorite movies, "Singing in the Rain". This visit we watched, "Silk Stockings" and "Funny Face".
We talk endlessly about our lives. Having known each other for 25 years and having had feelings for each other the whole time has served to create a unique foundation of friendship for us to build on.
She's pretty and smart, funny and a gourmet cook to boot. She works in the TV industry in Hollywood, and most important. . . she loves me.
Being in love again is scary, exciting and crazy. Filling my heart with the joy that life has to offer is gamble that you can only win. . . if you play. We'll. . . we've been doing a lot of playing. From full home cooked breakfasts with Buster including, eggs, sausage, hash browns, and fresh cinnamon swirll bread to walks on the beach, wine and cheese parties in bed and dancing at the Owl and Thistle, it was a GREAT time!
We were barley apart while she was here, and now that she's back home, I miss my girl. Good thing we'll talk on the phone 20 times today along with a few text messages sprinkled in for good measure.