A new life starts, grounded in happiness, love and prosperity!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Friday AM

Got up this morning, made Buster's lunch and fixed him a couple of eggs over easy and some toast for breakfast. We talked about what the day had in store for us. The temperature was pleasant in the mid 50's and NOT raining. . . YEAH! I decided to walk Buster to the bus stop, hang with him till his bus came then take a few mile walk. I walked past my house, past the point where the lighthouse is and around the turn. I had never seen the tide so high. We've been getting a lot of rain lately. I guess I should take advantage of the lack of rain and the current temperature and try and do some street performing at Pike Place Market. Maybe 12 to 1 or 2PM. We'll see. I've got the Fenix Underground this evening which I am looking forward to.

Trouble getting to sleep

Last night I had trouble getting to sleep. I was obsessing about the mediation that hopefully will occur later today. I finally gave up on trying to go to sleep and picked up a comic book that I found in the garage while doing some organizing yesterday. I've always been a big fan of Batman, since I was a little kid.

This was an interesting issue as it took place around 1907 and one of the key characters is none other than Harry Houdini.


Magic Troll X Box Gig

Dear Tom,

Greg Thompson Productions is providing environmental entertainment for a corporate event on the evening of January 12th. We are looking for six magicians and/or jugglers and I wondered if you might be interested. It will pay $100 per hour with a guarantee of four hours and a possibility of a pro rated amount for a 5th hour. The job is a little odd in that we need our performers to be costumed as trolls (full mask and dark robe) to fit into the theme of the party. It is for Microsoft's X Box design team and is called ELEMENTS, and each area of the event will be themed as one of the elements - air, water, fire with the trolls inhabiting the "earth" area. We will provide the costumes, of course. Each troll will be assigned a "fairy" who will be a decoration or an assistant as needed. The fairies travel on carts which the troll will manipulate. We are looking for magic that can be performed close up but which fits into the theme, so no card tricks - Things that disappear are good and if it uses flash paper that it is even better! Any ideas? any interest? Give me a call between 8:30AM and 5:00PM and I can try to answer any questions!

Connie Corrick
Casting Director
Greg Thompson Productions


Today was a good and productive day. I spent the morning sending off follow up letters to the clients that I performed for over the holiday season.

It's time that I got back in the game. . . maybe make enough to pay off my back child support and start saving some money too. That would be nice.

A couple of weeks ago Moira and I were supposed to have our mediation session. On that day she claimed that the pass was closed and couldn't make it. We rescheduled it for tomorrow as a conference call. So, I'll drive down to the Kent Regional Justice Center and Racquet Ball Club, where the mediator and I will try and talk some sense into my ex-wife.

Although I have no reason to be. . . I am going to remain optimistic.

Tonight I will pray for strength and clarity, courage and wisdom. Yea, Though I Walk through the Valley of The Shadow of Divorce...

I will fear no evil.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

On the web

Ran across this on Rick Carruth's • Magic Roadshow From October 2005

:: Coming Through the Haze

Seattle's Tom Frank, street performer and corporate entertainer extraordinaire, authors one of my favorite blogs "Coming through the Haze". Tom recently featured a six minute video of his cups and ball routine , and it's well worth every moment for a chance to study his style and presentation.

Posted last weekend, the video was taped live during his set at the Pike Place Market Buskers Festival. Just scroll down Tom's blog and look for the " Video Clip Du Jour ". While there, view "The Legend of the Five Mystic Rings" as well. I think you will really enjoy both video's.

I know I did.

Bookmark Tom's blog, as his is one of the few that is an ACTUAL blog, in the real sense. Not given to talking trash about other magicians or sites, 'Coming Through the Haze' is a very real blog, about a real guy, with real guy problems and victories. This is what blogging is all about..

Pics du Jour

Here are some recent pics.


This one taken across the street from my house


Alki Beach • West Seattle • Washington


My Stepmom & Dad


Buster gets back from Cincinnati with the new guitar that his mom got him for X-Mas


The Nightmare Cirkus before Christmas


More Pics Click Here

Follow Up Letter


I need to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and to thank you for the honor of allowing me to entertain the Bentall Capitol employees at the Christmas Party at the Science Fiction Museum. I thought that you did a fantastic job of putting everything together. From the DJ, to the open bar, strolling magic, great meal, dance contest, Bono look alike. It was a fun afternoon. Also thank you for the EMP wristband. It was great seeing the Hendrix & Dylan exhibits.

I am in the process of updating my promotional materials and would be thrilled to include a letter of reccomendation from you briefly outlining your thoughts and reactions as to how you thought Industrial Strength Magic met your need's . If you could please take a few minutes of your valuable time to help me out in this way, I would be extremely grateful.

You can send it on company letterhead to:

Tom Frank
Industrial Strength Magic
3002 Alki Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98116

or just e-mail it me, if that's more convenient

Thanks again for your time, interest and support. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Tom Frank

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Vintage Footage

There were a couple of tricks on the clip I posted yesterday that I thought. . . and still do. . . are really good tricks. The silk through mic stand and the coke pipe routine were a lot of fun. As a kid, George Kirkendal taught me how to use his utility gimmick. He also taught me the serpent streamer (untying knot). As for the Coke Pipe, I have Bill Pryor to thank for that!

These were formative years in the transition from the streets to the clubs. I was beginning to understand that the audience actually wanted to be there and they were greased up and ready to squeal. What I loved most about the coke pipe routine was it's commitment to an unadulterated piece of stupidity. Later, it was weeded out of my act for being stupid. . . hmmmmm. . . imagine that.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Video du Jour - From the Archives

Running across this 1992 footage was interesting. If you would have told me that I ever opened up my act with a quick cut and restored rope and a silk vanish, I'd have told you you were crazy! But here it is! The ugly proof. . . what was I thinking.

Video Click Here

New Years Eve

I had three shows on New Years Eve. A Bar Mitzva in the afternoon where I did an hour of strolling and then a 30 min. show after they ate. For whatever it's worth, this was the same room as the dealers room at the 2004 PCAM Magic Convention.

Show went well. Been doing the Exploding Light Bulb a bunch this season and not really liking the way the bulb looks as it shatters . When performed correctly, it explodes, it scares me. . . . really. I look out into the audience and say, "That! is not was I was expecting! But! It does prove one thing. . . that one among you has some very special powers, and you . . . and you know who you are. . . I hope you use your powers for good." I love that riff, I try and say it all with a straight face and serious.

The next show was a house party, 45 min. show starting at 10PM. Rocked the room. . . what can I say. . . it's what I do. I love an intimate performance of 20-30 interested people. Was thinking a lot about what I had been reading in the Sankey & Osterlind books. I was really trying to connect with them, not step on their reactions and let them be as much a part of the show as they wanted.


My last gig of 2005 was at the Fenix Underground bringing in the new year with Rick & the crew from the Fenix. I got there shortly after 11 and worked until the Dusty 45's took the stage. The music started the the room swelled. I saw Emily, Maggie & Poppy and inched my way towards them. I tried to dance with Maggie, but there was no room. Someone had spilled a drink and she almost fell when I was turning her. Billy Joe, Micah and the rest of the band. . . what can I say, you guys are great!

We counted down the last 10 seconds and brought in the new year swinging.



Dimly lit sadness through the stained glass of my mind

I think I have gotten through the holidays and the new year with out actually participating in them.

Withdrawn and reserved I served my sentence of loneliness by myself

I did make one new years resolution

I said "NO MORE. . . splash of 7 in my Crown Royal! Nope, just make it on the rocks! There's a resolution I can keep!

Buster gets back today. I look forward to picking him up at the airport. Session tonight. . . . I guess. . . I think it's Tuesday.

Haven't spoken to the little kids since before Christmas. . . That sucks. After the last hateful letter from her cum sucking, hag lawyer (see somewhere below), I haven't called them at all. I thought If you I gave her the space she was asking for on her vacation with the kids that she might have them call me for Christmas or New Years.

Now we cut to the part of Batman Begins where Bruce Wayne's father says, "and Bruce why do we fall down? To pick ourselves back up again."

and then Bruce says, "Fuck you!, you fall down that fucking well and see how you feel. . . bitch.

But I digress

or undress


Monday, January 02, 2006

Video du Jour - From the Archives

Here we have Orson Wells performing Magic on the "I Love Lucy" Show. Enjoy

Video Click Here